Recent content by Flabbagazta

  1. Flabbagazta

    Are Australian spiders really that big?

    They don't have venom, It's a bacteria
  2. Flabbagazta

    Are Australian spiders really that big?

    Honestly we haven't had any spider deaths since 1981. Redbacks and Funnel Webs are the only ones potent enough to be lethal but I tend to be more worried about White Tails, not venomous but their bite will cause necrosis (decaying/rotting of the flesh) around the wound, they tend to hang out in...
  3. Flabbagazta

    Recommend me some jazz

    This! Also by Miles Davis - Bitches Brew, especially the title track also I have never met anybody who has heard of these guys or not wanted more after listening to this
  4. Flabbagazta

    Are re-makes ever better?

    Cape Fear - De Niro's unstoppable madman is one of his best roles
  5. Flabbagazta

    Movies saying that Atheism is true.

    Kierkegaard was the founder of existentialism AND a devout christian
  6. Flabbagazta

    Poll: Screw WADS

    WSAD since HL1 (the first game I can think of when this was default) on a regular keyboard its perfect. Although my Quake Live setup is EDSF so i can have Q - Grenade, W - Rocket, R - Rail, T - Lightning, A - Shotgun, G - Gauntlet and MW up - Plasma. Everything is perfectly placed in order of...
  7. Flabbagazta

    No Right Answer: Bruce Campbell vs Nathan Fillion

    Bruce Campbell hands down, no contest... ever HAIL TO THE KING BABY!
  8. Flabbagazta

    Albums that disappointed you

    1. Aphex Twin - Chosen Lords was bland, BLAND!!! Say what you like about Aphex he is NEVER bland, although it would be just like him to release a bland album for the sake of it. 2. The Easy All Stars - Radiodread and Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Dub Band, Dub Side of the Moon was/is fucking...
  9. Flabbagazta

    Albums that disappointed you

    6... you forgot Sgt Pepper was really disappointed with 10,000 Days, every Tool album sounds entirely different but 10,000 Days sounded the same as Lateralis. At War With the Mystics by The Flaming Lips, their previous two albums are their best (The Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi Battles The...
  10. Flabbagazta

    I want drug users, smokers, alcoholics to explain this to me (seriously)

    I'm 26, I started smoking pot when I was 11, daily from when I was 16 and gave up cold turkey for about 2 years when I was 22, i now smoke occasionally, only in certain situations etc. I'm a borderline alcoholic (I don't drink EVERY day but I have problems sticking to one drink when I do)...
  11. Flabbagazta

    Advice me a PC game!

    Start playing Quakelive its free Q3 that runs through your browser and you never have to go outside
  12. Flabbagazta

    How would you take over the world?

    10 or so chimps trained in Ninjitsu and fiercely loyal, pay a midnight visit to the 10 or so most powerful people in the world. Each awakes with a knife to their throat and a phone to their ear with me on the other end... It's quite simple really
  13. Flabbagazta

    Poll: Your favourite curse word. (No kids or easily offended people).
  14. Flabbagazta

    Poll: Your favourite curse word. (No kids or easily offended people).

    **** for me is the only swear word that still carries any weight behind it, apart from that it has all been too diluted through overuse still fuck and shit can be fun... <iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>