Recent content by Flitt7788mulee

  1. Flitt7788mulee

    Getting up early hate thread

    Worse when yesterday I didn't get until 1pm, didn't get to sleep last night until 2am and had to go to college and use a fucking spot welder. But, on reflection of the day; it was quite fun.
  2. Flitt7788mulee

    Getting up early hate thread

    I have to learn how to use molding equipment or something very early today which I cannot be bothered to do. Providing no one talks to me until about 11am I should be fine xD Oh look at the time, I have to go....FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU
  3. Flitt7788mulee

    Getting up early hate thread

    8:15am, college soon, it is absolutely freezing outside; fog and everything. Whole day ahead of me and all I want to do is sleep. See you on the other side...
  4. Flitt7788mulee

    FBN Reviews: The Invention of Lying (2009)

    My face when I read this: No film is better/can be compared to Office or Extras.
  5. Flitt7788mulee

    $2.50 Reviews: The Invention of Lying (2009)

    We all know it's nowhere near as funny as Office or Extras.
  6. Flitt7788mulee

    Football Fans

  7. Flitt7788mulee

    Football Fans

    I support Liverpool F.C. Sulking torres in exchange for Carroll and Suarez, and only losing £7m? Profit. But don't judge Torres on his debut, he WILL start scoring goals for Chelsea, let's face it. But it is ironic that he played shit for Chelsea against Liverpool just after leaving...
  8. Flitt7788mulee

    Poll: Toughest Sport

    I changed my mind. English football is the toughest sport: regardless of what transpires on the pitch, the fucking enlgish media make it tougher...
  9. Flitt7788mulee

    Poll: Toughest Sport

    In addition: I actually think ice hockey tougher than Rugby, but I haven't had the benefit of playing Ice hockey. Looks tough. D:
  10. Flitt7788mulee

    Poll: Toughest Sport

    American football. It was either that or rugby and while in rugby the players don't requite protective gear in the NFL blocking, tacking and pushing is a mandatory aspect. Whereas in rugby, the purpose of the game revolves around running lines and tackling around the waist. NFL: Majority of the...
  11. Flitt7788mulee

    Superbowl 45 reflection thread: Steelers 25-31 Packers

    Any thoughts?
  12. Flitt7788mulee

    DC or Marvel?

    It has to be DC. Although I have never really taken the time to read loads of comics, from what I have read and seen; DC stand out. The characters just seem to be more feasible and realistic to me. Especially Batman: just a normal dude but solid nevertheless. I'm sure if I read more Marvel I...
  13. Flitt7788mulee

    Games That Deserve To Be Remade

    Lylat Wars if any, but not in a shitty different version like starfox on the PS2. A proper remake! But it may not be the best idea; they might ruin the original magic :P
  14. Flitt7788mulee

    FIFA drive me insane!

    Why has it always gotta be about the money??? :D Yes, they ruin our football. Well, that's just true all over the place.
  15. Flitt7788mulee

    FIFA drive me insane!

    So, Sepp Blatter, president of FIFA has more or less confirmed that the 2022 world cup will be held in the Quatar. Even though the temperatures there are high enough to melt most of the players. First he wouldn't allow goal line technology, now this. I think that the host country...