Recent content by Freeze_L

  1. F

    The last song you listened to is now your country's national anthem.

    Glory Hallelujah by Frank Turner. Holy shit ya! That would be amazing!
  2. F

    Poll: Is featuring rape in a game going too far?

    It is going to be so much fun out of game... Psion:"So what happened?" DM:"well..." Psion:"Seriously what happened?" DM:"Well its kinda hard to explain but..." Paladin: "You almost got @!#!ing raped that's what happened." Psion: "No really what happened last week." Ranger: "well you see...
  3. F

    Poll: Is featuring rape in a game going too far?

    sort of unrelated, about DND but it ties back I promise! In our dnd game this week a large part of the conflict centered around the near rape of one of the characters (who's player was absent). When our party arrived at the scene, the man who had been flirting, and stalking, our psion (mind...
  4. F

    Are teachers allowed to kick you out of the classroom for looking at your phone?

    Your teacher is a bit loopy, from what you are telling me at least, I would go to the teacher first and ask her about it, then if she is being unreasonable talk to your adviser and the department head. My chem professor has it listed on the syllabus that he can kick a student out and mark them...
  5. F

    Doctor Who Series 6.13: "The Wedding of River Song' [SPOILERS] + Series wrap up

    Everyone thought his death was the fixed point in time, because that is what it was recorded as. However the real fixed point was River appearing to kill the doctor. So they did not change the anything when he did this, he just fooled everyone into thinking he was dead. Wow this is not...
  6. F

    EA Changes Origin Terms of Services, Forbids Class Action Lawsuits

    you know, i am not sure if you can give up your constitutional rights. I mean you can choose not to use them ya, but you can't sign them away like that. I mean, you can't decide to sell yourself into slavery by making a legal document and signing it, that would be illegal and not held up...
  7. F

    Why aren't more realistic and serious animated movies being made?

    This. A draw of animation as a medium is that it goes beyond the limits of reality and allows the artist to portray something they could not otherwise portray. Sure big budget studios can pull off realistic scifi but most artists and studios can't. Getting rid of fantasy and scifi from animation...
  8. F

    New US ISP sanctioned/controlled piracy database will mean the end to internet privacy.

    Right to Privacy, is a human right in the US as well as a declared human right by the UN under Article 12 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Arbitrary interference with correspondence is exactly what is happening when your internet provider reserves the right to monitor you private...
  9. F

    The misinterpretation of evolution

    Intelligent design is a philosophical answer to a scientific question. All it is is an explanation of evolution not a separate theory. But yes pepole have the right to disagree. However it does not make them right because in the end of the day, regardless of what you choose to think, the...
  10. F

    Just starting DnD with some friends. What should I know?

    Don't sweat it. you dont need the whole book memorized or anything crazy like that. 90% is situational and in the end once you got the basic mechanics down you will be good. A combat is like this. Surprise round: did anyone get the jump on another group? was there an unprepared party? If...
  11. F

    What did you want to grow up to be as a child?

    A Game Developer. All the way up to Sophomore Year in High school when is discovered that I hated programming and 3d modeling. A Hacker/Net Security Specialist. Then I tried and really did not enjoy programming so decided that it would not be enjoyable to do something I disliked all day...
  12. F

    Your philosophy on life, the universe, and everything. (in 10 words or less)

    This is a good one. OT: "I have to understand the world, you see." - Feynman
  13. F

    You are killed by the last weapon you used in the last game you played.

    I milled someone to death in magic last (Time stretch and then Traumatize, Jace Beleren (all 3 times) and Jace Archivist (3 times) and then finished them off with Tome Scour ... so... death by time, or wait i am confused...
  14. F

    Are people too hard on smokers?

    Have you ever stood next to some smoker and had to struggle to breath as the smoke lofted in your face? Have you ever had an asthma attack because of someone smoking? You can say a person has a right to smoke, and they do, they do not have the fucking right to impair my ability to breath...
  15. F

    Deadliest injury you have caused to another human?

    Well. is a concussion or a broken wrist worse? Well sparing with someone, well it was supposed to be sparing but he had anger issues and well lets just say it got a little out of hand, I blocked his punch hard enough to break his wrist. Then he tried to round house kick me and i caught his...