Recent content by Friederich

  1. Friederich

    Jimquisition: Sexual Failing

    See the short 'visual novel' kindness coins [] at For a short exposition on that kind of behaviour Jim is tallking about.
  2. Friederich

    Jim & Yahtzee's Rhymedown Spectacular: Confessions of a Game Reviewer

    It's nice to see yahztee hasn't forgotten about one the most significant games of last year. Disclaimer: that's my opinion.
  3. Friederich

    Explaining BioShock Infinite

    Wait, what!? This just raised a whole new level of complication.
  4. Friederich

    Explaining BioShock Infinite

    As Levine said: "We'd like to raise questions, not answer them."
  5. Friederich

    Zero Punctuation: BioShock: Infinite

    Ah, I though it had to do with Infinite Jest by late David Foster Wallace.
  6. Friederich

    Zero Punctuation: BioShock: Infinite

    Dear Yahtzee, what does Bioshock Infinite have to do with Infinite Jest ? Which I'm currently halfway through, so don't spoil it for me. Or is it just for the infinite?
  7. Friederich

    Mass Effect Mercenary Game (NOT A REAL GAME)

    I'm still waiting for Mass Effect: Dawn War, Mass Effect: Rachni Wars, Mass Effect: Krogan Rebellions, ME: First contact war, ME: Cerberus Rising (reloaded), ME: with a little bit of XCom. This franchise could be all about prequels!
  8. Friederich

    Escape to the Movies: Zero Dark Thirty

    He was not 'terminated'. He was killed. He was a person.
  9. Friederich

    The protagonist from the last game you played gives you their powers...

    err... I played Left4Dead 2 as Coach, that means I get the power of being black, and moving my legs and torso independently one from another?
  10. Friederich

    Rebecca Mayes Muses: How to Write a Song in One Hour

    Thanks for the song!
  11. Friederich

    Rebecca Mayes Muses: Heavy Rain

    Quite perplexing, "very experimental" in the sense that you are trying to convey emotion trough unusual means. Such as showing us a somewhat shocking act of of, you know, bathing in mud of sorts, which might make some people feel uncomfortable or even shocked, and to be honest you didn´t seem to...
  12. Friederich

    Rebecca Mayes Muses: The Monster

    "Considering the monster inside" and how you put imagery of Persona 4, (don't know if you've played it or not) which is heavily inspired by Jungian psychology; that has a theory on archetypes created within human minds. Long story short, humans have "shadows", a unconscious part of the self...