Recent content by Fujimora_Pantsu

  1. F

    Favorite TV Trope I like the Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulu trope because, despite its highly specific nature, combining Pyrrhic victories with eldritch abominations, there are a metric ton of examples.
  2. F

    Improve an already good show or film.

    That's an interesting suggestion. I'd be more interested in Hermione and Luna, but it would be enjoyable to read anyway. Back on topic, I would have made it so that the second arc of Sword Art Online was never animated. It wasn't terrible, but after finding the first arc as strangely...
  3. F

    Things that you really think "You are the only one who..."

    Strange. I would have thought that would be an overwhelmingly uncommon topic. Especially in a sci-fi setting. Ah well, then I am just another member of the boring, non-unique mob. Go team. On the other hand, I was referring to more of a space opera style of thing, rather than anything about...
  4. F

    Things that you really think "You are the only one who..."

    To the best of my knowledge, I am the only person who has written a sci-fi story about a narcoleptic. Highly specific, but at least it is unique to me and me alone.
  5. F

    What do you think a relationship is about?

    Not every relationship has love, or hell, even sex is not always there. However, if I had to pick one thing that a proper relationship should have as its most important point, I would simply say mutual trust. Anything else is a secondary concern.
  6. F

    Let's see your desktop

    Funny that you say that, considering my current wallpaper
  7. F

    A hypothetical question, especially for the atheists and skeptics in the audience...

    The fact that there is a species able to examine the very laws and fundamental building blocks of the universe could be seen as weak evidence for divine intervention. Humanity could have gone through any number of evolutionary paths, but here we are arguing on a planet spanning information device.
  8. F

    What are you afraid of?

    Death and degenerative brain diseases. Not particularly interesting or irrational, but they are terrifying things.
  9. F

    Backwards Compatibility...What Gives?

    On the importance of whether or not a console has backwards compatibility when it comes to buying it, I have to ask myself this. Should I pay hundreds of dollars to get a gaming system with a dozen games currently out, or keep my current console with a library of hundreds. It's pretty make-it or...
  10. F

    Free Copy of Frozen Synapse

    I only just realized that when I bought my copy of Frozen Synapse, a turn-based, tactical game based heavily on planning, I received a second copy. Since I'm almost certain that nobody I know would want it, feel free to post your steam id for me to send it to.
  11. F

    Poorly Reviewed Games You Enjoyed

    I actually really liked the first drawn to life game, but critics tend to disagree with me.
  12. F

    Do you speak with an accent?

    I have lived in Australia for my entire life, and yet people all seem to believe that I have an English accent. Apparently eloquence is an exclusively British thing.
  13. F

    Username Origins

    'Cause I swing my axe at you? It's a character that was made up by Jesse Cox during his Terraria Lets Play with Totalbiscuit. I checked to see if the name was still available at the escapist, and when I saw that it was I just thought 'fuck it'. The rest of my many online handles have just...
  14. F

    What are 5 games you would get a newb to play

    Yes, Starcraft has a nice learning curve and is nice to new players. Totally. 100% legit. Go on, try it, the community will love you. Mwahaha.
  15. F

    Poll: Mist of Pandaria

    One possibility about why someone would want to return to WoW is that it remains a good all around MMO. It's story isn't as good as TOR, but it has better leveling and end-game. It's combat isn't as good as TERAs, but its got a far superior questing system, being far less grindy. While its...