Recent content by fuzzygenius

  1. F

    Could you guys fill in a quick thing for my Sociology homework? (No links required)

    1)No 2)No 3)No 4)Yes 5)No 6)No 7)N/A 8)No 9)Religious
  2. F

    Lottery: Would you reveal yourself?

    I don't think you're allowed to be anonymous if you win here in New York. That said, I'd still take the money and let then publish my name. I really don't know what I'd do with my life. I'm a grad student now, and I might just keep that up. I like math, and I really like university-level...
  3. F

    Poll: Are you happy?

    $1000 in car repairs today. I've got tons of stuff to get done in not much time. But, I've got a pretty awesome job and good friends. So-so right now, but things are looking up for next week.
  4. F

    Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Videogames

    Absolutely fantastic. Yet another move toward gaming being widely accepted as equal to movies, books, etc. And, to be honest, a victory to parents who actually want to parent over those who would rather have the government dictate how they parent.
  5. F

    Nudist law lifted, would you go naked?

    I am far too fat and self-conscious about it to go naked. It might provide more motivation to exercise though. But, it usually snows 150" here each winter, so the majority of the time, taking advantage of such a law would be suicidal.
  6. F

    If you could bring back one Escapist show...

    Gotta go with de-rez. Very inconsistent quality, but it was awesome often enough that I miss it.
  7. F

    The High School Conundrum

    I definitely didn't like high school at the time. I fit the introverted nerd stereotype pretty well back then (hell, quite a bit now too). I was a "not at all into sports, but great at academics" kid at a fairly football-focused school, which didn't earn me any favors either. I ended up...
  8. F

    is 0 even or odd?

    Ah, yes. Serves me right, posting too late at night.
  9. F

    is 0 even or odd?

    An element of the integers is even if it is divisible by 2. In other words, is 0/2 an integer. Even more precisely, is there an integer n such that 0 = 2*n. There is such an n - let n = 0. Hence, 0 is even. Alternatively, we can define the even integers to be all integers in the set {2k...
  10. F

    California Assembly Approves $1 Billion "Internet Tax"

    I will also be interested to see if it works. From what I've heard, it can't, really. If you're in CA and buy something from a company with offices in CA, then you owe sales tax, but that's been happening already (as a few people have reported). If you're in CA and you buy something online...
  11. F

    Poll: I'm Hungry!

    Spicy italian on italian herb and cheese, provolone, toasted, lettuce, cucumbers, pickles, southwest chipotle sauce. Although the meatball and peperoni is pretty darn good.
  12. F

    What is your degree in?

    BA in math and physics Working on a PhD in math. Someday it will be done...
  13. F

    LoadingReadyRun: Sigma Theta Delta

    Very funny. A reasonable way to freshen up the old parody. Also, I'm pretty sure I've taught students like them. All four of them, in fact. Hopefully I have more Violets than the others this semester...
  14. F

    What are the worst misconceptions you know of?

    Trickle down economics can pull any economy out of a depression/recession.
  15. F

    snow what have you made from it?

    We've gotten about 4 feet so far. Nothing made yet except large piles. Now that the semester is over, though...