Recent content by Gallium

  1. Gallium

    Feed Dump: Feed Dump UK Special: Booze, Cats and More Booze

    Well... I live in St Andrews... A walk that can be measured in seconds from that statue... Hell I even feed Hamish and let him stay the night. I need a pair of Bat Wings and a Manticore Tail. This must be done.
  2. Gallium

    Game of Thrones Abridged: Game of Thrones Abridged - Teaser Trailer

    Matt Lees on the Escapist? I'll take it! I'll take 12!
  3. Gallium

    American Menace

    I hate to be pedantic, but I'm going to be. The UK Denis the Menace was created in Scotland rather than England, I pass the DC Thompson offices every day on my way to work. Sorry... nice strip regardless.
  4. Gallium

    LoadingReadyRun: The Travel Bug

    I can confirm that my country is 70% bog. But I'm rather attached to the 30% that isn't.
  5. Gallium

    Rumor: Next-Gen Xbox Will Cost $300-$500, Be Always-Online

    Sure, a rumor is a rumor, but to release a console which will shut down when somebody within the area uses a microwave just strikes me as mad.
  6. Gallium

    LoadingReadyRun: Men Easter

    I must admit I had a good laugh at the land mines and dubstep. Good job guys!
  7. Gallium

    The Wishlist: Zombie Tarot Deck

    Funny story, a friend was using this very Tarot Deck at our last game night. The artwork is very nicely done, good concept and execution on the theme. Have a couple of beers, wait for that point in the night where another game of Catan is too much like hard work, and have a bit of a laugh at...
  8. Gallium

    Troubled Developer Asks Fans to Decide Kickstarter's Fate

    I can't really dispute any of that, indeed I'd say a trait you look for in Chris Taylor games is technical achievement. Molyneux will give you emotion I grant you, but Taylor will give you the next big technical break though in a field. I still remember my mouth dropping open during a tech demo...
  9. Gallium

    Troubled Developer Asks Fans to Decide Kickstarter's Fate

    No problem at all, glad I could help :) I'm trying not to get my hopes up... (you know, Supreme Commander was good but not TA and all that...) but failing. Of late RTS is a genre dead in the water, happy to wallow in Starcraft 2 and nothing else. The mere fact that somebody is trying...
  10. Gallium

    Troubled Developer Asks Fans to Decide Kickstarter's Fate

    This is tricky... Chris Taylor is one of those "almost" characters of the games industry. If a couple of things had gone right for him in a few places, he would be considered one of those "auteur" developers like Peter Molyneux, Sid Meier or Tim Schafer. Total Annihilation is still my...
  11. Gallium

    Jimquisition: Desensitized to Violence

    Too often I have wandered into a modern art exhibit (for my sins) and confronted by the work of some hack who decides that shock is the way to make his pile of corrugated cardboard and masking tape "art". This will usually be the use of unedited war footage and photographs. The result is...
  12. Gallium

    I can't get into Baldur's Gate...

    I enjoy the combat system, but can see why it isn't to everybody's taste. (Hell, I can't stand the Diablo combat system) With this in mind, the first few hours of Baldur's Gate 1 are among the most harrowing experiences in gaming if you don't know what you are doing. Doubly so if you are a...
  13. Gallium

    The Big Picture: Batman Revisited, Part 3

    I've always had a soft spot for Batman Forever. Then again I've never been one for the original source material. Being British and born in the 80s, I was raised on The Beano and The Dandy and then on to Commando. Proper comics (I jest, but you get my point!). None of this super-hero malarky...
  14. Gallium

    Jimquisition: The Best Looking Game of This Generation

    While it might not be the "best" of the generation, I'd rate World of Goo very highly. The power available in the current generation allows you to basically display a old school Disney animation in real time and I'm always surprised at how few people do it. There is room in this world for...
  15. Gallium

    Feed Dump: Van Dump

    If I wanted somebody to avenge my moose related death, it would be Matt.