Recent content by Gary Thompson

  1. Gary Thompson

    Bring Back the Box: What We Have Lost With Digital Distribution

    I used to be completely against digital gaming. But then I started playing on PC, started getting "AAA" games for $20, I didn't have to fish around for the disk and didn't have to deal with GameStop or have my game arrive late because the mail is slow. All those manuals, maps, and boxes...
  2. Gary Thompson

    5 Faster-Than-Light Travel Methods and Their Plausibility

    The mass relays are entirely based on element zero, the made up element everything in Mass Effect is based on. That's like asking why magic wasn't mentioned.
  3. Gary Thompson

    Great Non-human Villains

    Scorpius from Farscape is by far one of the best villains ever. Especially when he's Harvey: There's also Gul Dukat from DS9; before they made him crazy, of course.
  4. Gary Thompson

    My problem with moral ambiguity

    I don't get why people think ASoIaF is all that dark. It really isn't, it has good guys on every side and bad guys on every side, it just has a lot of bad crap happen, but it still has people who genuinely want to help and are still alive. Though the show seems intent on ruining some of...
  5. Gary Thompson

    Human Spaceflight: No Single Rationale Justifies it, NRC Report

    Why can't "To beat the commies" be a good enough reason? There're still commies, and they need constant reminders that we're better than them.
  6. Gary Thompson

    Nicolas Cage is Left Behind in New Trailer

    Does Nick Cage play the Antichrist? Because that would be the greatest movie ever, Nick Cage as the Antichrist.
  7. Gary Thompson

    Doctor Who Returns This August

    The only good "main" companion was Donna. The rest were relatively pants.
  8. Gary Thompson


    Yeah, Outlast had the silliest contrivance not allowing you to even try to kill those guys. The game got really repetitive when all you could do is run and hide. It got to the point where it wasn't scary as just annoying.
  9. Gary Thompson

    Steam Star Wars sale recommendations

    Where's Galactic Battlegrounds? I want to get that game but the only way to get it is by pirating, something I don't want to do. GOG needs to get GB on their site.
  10. Gary Thompson

    Destiny Won't Launch on PC Because it Would be Too Much Work

    Why don't they just drop porting it to the obsolete last gen consoles and just make it PC and next gen? What's the point of having it on the last gen consoles? A Bungie game is a system seller for many people if I've ever seen on.
  11. Gary Thompson

    China Reveals Censorship Critera for Console Games

    Uh, that's just not true, our capital was burnt down by the British in the War of 1812 and we had a civil war, not to mention the countless Indian wars. US soil has seen its fair share of war. Also, I wouldn't hold much of a grudge, because it was generations ago. Hardly anyone in WW2 is...
  12. Gary Thompson

    China Reveals Censorship Critera for Console Games

    We nuked them and fire bombed half their cities; in which we purposefully targeted civilians, and Japan doesn't hate us or childishly talks about how evil we are all the time. They probably should hate us, but their government doesn't ferment that hate at every opportunity, like the PRC does...
  13. Gary Thompson

    China Reveals Censorship Critera for Console Games

    No, but I'm sure China would greenlight any game involving the player committing genocide against the Japanese, like they do with movies. Hell, they'd probably publicly endorse the game.
  14. Gary Thompson

    China Reveals Censorship Critera for Console Games

    So everything besides games specifically made to be communist propaganda?
  15. Gary Thompson

    Call of Duty Loser Sends SWAT Team To Victor's House

    That guy's lucky SWAT didn't kill him, those trigger happy bastards have been known to shoot first and ask questions never if you look at them funny when they bust into your house.