Recent content by Gbadude3

  1. Gbadude3

    What game have you replayed the most times?

    I spent over 200 hours on KotOR
  2. Gbadude3

    if you were a deity...

    I'd make myself the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe and revel in the awsome
  3. Gbadude3

    Minecraft 2.0

    Minecraft isn't even finished development yet. How can you critisize it when the developer is adding things every day, I can respect an opinion but by the time it's finished it might be a more challenge oriented game.
  4. Gbadude3

    You have been transformed into your avatar.

    Make a wish
  5. Gbadude3

    You're in the mood to feel like a bad ass... what game do you put on?

    I play The Force Unleashed, while useing the Sith Stalker armour
  6. Gbadude3

    Can the lack of sex cause psychological problems?

    That's a ridiculous notion. Sex is not vital to the human experience, it's an afterthought something totally ancillary. I'm Asexual and there's nothing wrong with me. Now if you don't mind I'd like to take the rest of the day to kill the whores tied up in my basement.
  7. Gbadude3

    Games you Desperately Want to be Made. NOW.

    A zombie game based off of Max Brooks's Zombie Survival Guide. It could be so awsome.
  8. Gbadude3

    The last weapon you used in-game is now your weapon in the zombie apocolypse

    A Mass Effect1 assault riffle with unlimitted ammo and a Geth companion. I think I'll do all right.
  9. Gbadude3

    Being Asexual In A Sexual Society

    I think I'm Asexual, in that I wouldn't mind getting maried and having kids some day, but for now I just don't have any kind of intrest in dating or "chasing" woman.
  10. Gbadude3

    If you could break the law 3 times what would you do?

    1. Steal all the gold in Fort Knocks 2. Sell all the stolen gold 3. Kill Jack Thompson
  11. Gbadude3

    A Thousand people at your command...what do you do?

    I'd have them infiltarte the highest levels of US and Canadian government so that they could, once in power, make the two countries into one Empire that I alone would control.
  12. Gbadude3

    Games you have spent over 100 hours on.

    Starwars: KotoR, Starwars:The force unleashed, and any Pokemon game I've ever owned.
  13. Gbadude3

    Things that scare the shit out of you.

    Needles, and most puncturing objects of any kind.
  14. Gbadude3

    Video Games you cannot criticize.

    I don't know who'll agree with me in this be I've got to say KotOR, it's just so gob-bamn awsome.
  15. Gbadude3

    Pokemon - Are you sexist?

    I only care about the gender of my starers, because Charizard just dosen`t seem as awsome as a girl.