Recent content by gdv358

  1. G

    The most useless knowledge you possess

    When originally bred, the Siamese Cat ranged from two to three times its modern size and was used as a guard animal (and there are cases on record of them viciously attacking intruders even to the modern day)
  2. G

    Shia LaBeouf Throws in The Towel, Retires From "Public Life"

    I fail to believe that he actually did retire when he went on to start posting #stopcreating on twitter only about 13 hours after his "retirement" with a picture of the same thing in skywriting. I get that a lot of people don't think anything having to do with him is a big deal, but watching...
  3. G

    Ryan Lambourn's Slaying Of Sandy Hook Draws Condemnation

    It's while reading some comments on this thread that I realized something that hadn't occurred to me before: Video Games are hindered as an art form most especially by the terminology. I know that seems like a silly concept, but consider for a moment how alien it must seem to someone from the...
  4. G

    Will there ever be another World War?

    There actually were problems after WW2 for the occupying forces, but the US started to play good cop to Russia's bad cop and it panned out fairly well for us. If there hadn't been a USSR causing suffering for people in Berlin, for instance, we couldn't have ever looked like the good guy by...
  5. G

    Will there ever be another World War?

    Of course not, the United States outspends the rest of the world combined in terms of military (though I've heard that recently they've caught up enough that we only outspend MOST of the world combined). I was never arguing that Canada could somehow "compete" in a sense that they could win...
  6. G

    Will there ever be another World War?

    Actually, if you look at the history of both of the world wars you'd find that the precursor to them becoming "world wars" rather than a series of smaller wars was that major alliances began to form between countries with large military forces. The alliances at the beginning of the wars and...
  7. G

    Will there ever be another World War?

    The thing that people forget when they're talking about World Wars is that there's a set of criteria that have to be met for it to even be a possibility and none of them are there right now (or likely will be within our lifetimes): 1) The world powers have to be divided into two neatly...
  8. G

    What would have happened to Bruce Wayne if his family had been poor?

    DC Nation had a series of shorts called "Batman of Shanghai" that they played during commercial breaks and it is exactly what it sounds like.
  9. G

    What would have happened to Bruce Wayne if his family had been poor?

    Yeah, that'd be a good one but I don't think it'd quite be the perfect fit. It would fit the personality type, but it wouldn't pay enough to fund the improvised gear and sometimes they work night shifts to make sure no one breaks in, cutting into his late night activities. I'd think he'd have...
  10. G

    What would have happened to Bruce Wayne if his family had been poor?

    If Bruce Wayne had no money, but everything else about him stayed the same (except things given to him by the money) you'd have to remember that he'd still be a big dude with a genius IQ and a huge obsessive compulsive disorder. This would give him the martial arts prowess (which, while...
  11. G

    Have you been arrested?

    I haven't been arrested before but I've come close a few times and squeaked by only by sheer dumb luck. One time in particular is something I like to share around parties. In my early 20s I worked for a Kirby Vacuum distributor selling door-to-door. I was what they called the "demo" man...
  12. G

    Actual fair and balanced coverage

    Yeah, I watch The Young Turks too and, while they include their own personal opinions, they usually point out exactly where their opinion comes in. Plus, if you want to see someone who's not going to go to bat for a specific ideology then you really can't find a more balanced approach. They tend...
  13. G

    NASA: "Apollo 18 Is Not a Documentary"

    The thing that saddens me is that this was probably validated. There's people out there that will believe anything about NASA if you can make it plausible enough. Remember, the moon landing hoax debate (and most of the "evidence" produced for it) was started by the Flat Earth Society, a group of...
  14. G

    Cats are so stupid...

    Not surprising at all. Given the fact that intelligence often evolves according to specific needs there's often a lopsided nature to brain function. A creature that naturally has all the tools it requires for hunting rarely needs to figure out fashioning said tools. The thing about being in the...
  15. G

    Cats are so stupid...

    I pointed this out once to a friend when I saw the same video: The cat gets someone to clean up their litter box, gets free food, doesn't have to do anything and sleeps half the day. Who's stupid in this equation? As for a more measured opinion, there have been studies that Cats are in the...