Recent content by GlenRice41

  1. GlenRice41

    If a videogame character could be your best friend.

    Mine would be TOAD! From MARIO!!! BECAUSE TOAD GETS ALL THE B*TCHES!!!! Don't Believe me!?!?!? PROOF!
  2. GlenRice41

    worst part of your favorite game

    FF7-The life stream.... Hated the whole flashback parts over and over.... FF8- The Castle at the end where you lose EVERY FRIGGEN Ability and and have to fight monsters hidden all over to get em back. MGS4- The fact you gotta wait "26 cocking minutes" to start the game from the first cut...
  3. GlenRice41

    You now have a Army of the last thing you killed in a videogame.

    LOL the last thing I killed/Defeated in game was Siefer from FF8.... this is gonna be interesting....
  4. GlenRice41

    What is the most horrific way to die?

    Getting kicked in the nuts- Worst way to die. But in all seriousness That boiled in hot Water stuff or catching on Fire....Those are the 2 worst I've seen and can think of.
  5. GlenRice41

    Games you just couldn't play/finish...

    I actually liked FF8. FF7 and FF8 are my 2 favorites of all time. So I guess I am in the minority. But for me... The game I couldn't play/Finish was FF Tactics. Screw that game. It was so boring to me...I know a lot of people love it but I just couldn't get into it... I don't know why.
  6. GlenRice41

    It's Old Flames Only in Mass Effect 3, Says BioWare [UPDATED]

    Well I remained faithful to my Love interest Morinth...To bad I never finished the game that way though. *sigh*
  7. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: Eve Online

    I pretty much did what yahtzee did. I played the 14 day trial. (for like 3hours) And I'm sitting there saying to my self.... man there are so many menu's i have to go through just so i can move forward or shoot something... Since when do i gotta orbit a ship to shoot it? did i mention the menus...
  8. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: Alone in the Dark

    This review is one of your better ones in awhile! No. No I do not. i reject your stupid arbitrary game play... that part with the visual of you kicking the TV had me dying. and like many others mentioned the Terry/Gonad was great. Darn that Gonad he has to ruin everything....
  9. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: LEGO Indy

    Yahtzee, I read the post on your site. And even though I'm disappointed somewhat I have to agree with you. The new intro pictures are great and all we are just going to miss the music. If i were in your spot I would probably would have done the same thing. The last thing you need is some type of...
  10. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: LEGO Indy

    I know i haven't been posting much up until recently but i watch all your reviews. Though i think the new opening is good, can't you add in a music selection with the new opening? To me the music selections u had set a tone for your review.
  11. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: Webcomics

    lol Yahtzee i loved this one, completely random randomness of it all the fact you just went in a complete other direction than reviewing a game also random!! beautiful! but i still feel a mailbag showdown lurking in the midst. or maybe thats just me dreaming. but for the sake of randomness...
  12. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: Metal Gear Solid 4

    I think Yahtzee held back really Evilducks. I think he coulda ripped MGS4 a bigger hole than he did. In a way even though i loved the game im kinda mad he didn't The review really would have been a knock out.
  13. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: Metal Gear Solid 4

    i'll second that note!!! You and me are on the same page!!!
  14. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: Metal Gear Solid 4

    Don't try to get me to respond to start an over the internet argument with me!!! its not happinin Mr. lol!!!
  15. GlenRice41

    Zero Punctuation: Metal Gear Solid 4

    But... you just argued with some1 arguing over the isn't that arguing over the internet?!?!?