Recent content by glorious mongoose

  1. glorious mongoose

    Jimquisition: A Game By Any Other Name

    I agree with everything our mighty overlord said. BUUUUUUT I didn't like fallout 3 cause it had a poo story that butt-fucked the cannon and had no likable characters and the story was the first two games frankensteined together. New Vegas on the other hand ooooooo mamma
  2. glorious mongoose

    Mass Effect 3...I think that people are overreacting

    I only really think it may be bad because it's got the woman who was behind generic page oranges on the dev team
  3. glorious mongoose

    Hollywood backlash against Obama over anti-piracy bill

    Hollywood is really not going to win they kinda rely on the internet
  4. glorious mongoose

    Types of Pokemon you never/rarely use on your team

    my favorite team : Infernape,Dragonite,Blastoise,Meganium,Gardeviour and Umbrion
  5. glorious mongoose

    Types of Pokemon you never/rarely use on your team

    i never really use poison,bug and fighting
  6. glorious mongoose

    Introduce Yourself! (or: Better Know Your Fellow Members)

    I'm the man your man could smell like if he took a nap in a crime scene and covered himself in dead orphans I'm actually Isaac and I like watching irritating chav's fight it out over some trivial crap then telling them that they're both wrong
  7. glorious mongoose

    Poll: If you had the choice to be a vampire....

    If I was a Blade vampire I might. But the those looking for blood thing could get boring really fast even for a sadist such as myself, I'd much prefer to be a werewolf.