Recent content by gnomebard

  1. gnomebard

    Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Videogames

    The thing is that the system in place now (as mentioned in the case if you care to read it in full)is 80% effective. Compare that to the LAW governing alcohol sales to the underaged at 82% effective. Having government oversight would only give about a (perhaps) 5% increase in success. Like it...
  2. gnomebard

    American Box Art Sucks

    I agree with you yahtzee from a artistic standpoint. Looking at most of those covers I find the non-american one better. But I have to state that not all american box art sucks. Case in point Eat lead: I actually bought Eat lead based off of the cover art. Or more accurately I bought it...
  3. gnomebard

    LoadingReadyRun: Cursing

    Keeping the theme of representing/expanding/explaining the tag line, here is a WoW version of "Who's on first?": (Since I suck at embedding I have left it a straight link.)
  4. gnomebard

    BioWare: Gamers Prefer a Manly Shepard

    Just puting it out there: the voice actor for female Shepard is way better. the male voice actor delivers all his lines flat. unless he is angry. the female voice actor always has some emotion behind what she is saying unless the situation calls for "hard to read." all and all a great...
  5. gnomebard

    Question of the Day, October 16, 2010

    I voted other. My vote is for "100 Bullets."
  6. gnomebard

    Question of the Day, October 2, 2010

    I voted other. my vote is for "Sun Tzu."
  7. gnomebard

    What's this "Internet" that everyone's talking about?

    I would go with what Red vs. Blue said: (paraphrasing) "how do you get an idea of what the internet is like? give a bunch of 5th grade chess club kids meth and loaded guns. see what happens. it's kind of like that." PS: epic post #18
  8. gnomebard

    Question of the Day, September 8, 2010

    I vote cold. you can all ways put more layers on. but there is a limit to how much you can take off.
  9. gnomebard

    Poll: What sequel are you looking forward to most?

    just a point of interest, but can any FF game other than X-2 be called a sequel?
  10. gnomebard

    Unskippable Let's Play - Legaia 2

    I want to see more "let's play" in the future!
  11. gnomebard

    Question of the Day, August 15, 2010

    wow. when I voted "endurance" I was surprised that it was a minority answer. in my experience we gamers stick with a problem until it works. no mater how long it takes. sure we may leave in the middle and come back later. but if we are focused on it we always come back to try finishing it...
  12. gnomebard

    Question of the Day, August 9, 2010

    I voted other. My vote is for Under Dog!
  13. gnomebard

    Question of the Day, July 31, 2010

    my problem with Barrens is that the zone is to big for players that don't have mounts yet. it takes forever to get anywhere. also it's location makes it easy for alliance to attack cross roads. constantly killing off the quest givers and the flight master makes leveling there a pain.
  14. gnomebard

    Building a Better Kind of DRM

    I am all for #2 and #4. sign me up!
  15. gnomebard

    Your Favourite Swordsmen and Speelcasters

    Yoda fit's both nicely. and would get into my top 10 in either category. picking a good sword fighter is hard now that I think about it... but I will just put out there almost anyone in Highlander is in the running for me. but if forced to pick I say Jin from Samurai Champloo. as for spell...