Recent content by goldfalsebond

  1. goldfalsebond

    PETA Dumps on Battlefield 3

    as soon as i did that in bf3, KNEW people were gonna ***** about it....because people suck
  2. goldfalsebond

    Looking for thoughtful anime recommendations

    Try looking into Get Backers. It might be a little bit cliched, but there is still some thinking in it.
  3. goldfalsebond

    Your computer knowledge

    I am a freshman in college and am thinking about majoring in computer science or computer engineering. I am learning java right now in CSE, so my knowlege is increasing. this means that I am starting to know more about the software part of computers instead of the hardware.
  4. goldfalsebond

    If you had a Death Note how would you use it?

    you cant go to hell either. but it doesnt matter, neither one exists
  5. goldfalsebond

    Bioware has changed... kinda.

    no, you are not the only one, because no one is the only one with anything. not even the kid who is taking SCUBA lessons with the goal of becoming a Big Daddy is the only one....wait, that might be an exception, but who knows?
  6. goldfalsebond

    Why do people say zombies are overused?

    zombie games? ok then rise of nightmares, l4d, l4d2, rdr zombies, cod waw, killing floor resident evil 1-5, dead island, halo, house of the dead, silent hill (kind of), fallout (gouls are called zombies sometimes), and a lot more. i came up with that list in about 45 seconds, so yeah they are...
  7. goldfalsebond

    Did Twilight really suck that much?

    yes it was that bad. vampires explode in the sun, they dont sparkle like fruity disco ball. And warewolves only change during the full moon, the ones in the saga are supposed to be lichens (SP?)
  8. goldfalsebond

    Last Game You Bought, Next Game You're (ideally) Getting

    Including xbla, From Dust was the latest. Next chance i get, im getting DB: Raging Blast 2
  9. goldfalsebond

    Is this a crime

    what? of course not. Are people in a hostage situation criminals for not trying to stop the robbers/terrorists/douchebags?
  10. goldfalsebond

    What happened to all the shows?

    ok, can someone explain to me what happened to some of the shows that were on the escapist? there was doraleaous and associates, unforgotten realms (i know it was moved to another site, by why?), top 5 with Lisa Foiles (SP?), daily drop, rebbecca mayes's muse (dont miss that), game dogs (or...
  11. goldfalsebond

    Man sues airline for 12,000$ over lack of French service

    fuck the french. I learned something very interesting when i visited normandy. The national symbol of France is the fucking chicken. America has a brave, badass bald eagle, while they have the cowardly chicken
  12. goldfalsebond

    Rumor: Next Xbox Could Run Windows

    uhhhhh, so what? i really dont see why you would want to do that.
  13. goldfalsebond

    Oklahoma pharmacist sentenced to life for killing would-be robber

    when i first read the title, I was like, oh god, not another one of these. but then i saw that he did go past that thin line of self defense. He was right for defending himself with that first shot, but that was it. once they are on the ground and are not gonna get up anytime soon, thats when...
  14. goldfalsebond

    Anime #4- Cosplay: If you were to go to a convention or Comicon or whatever, who would you be?

    thats a pretty good one. The bells would be a massive dick pain though. Also, you could befriend a seven year old or a midget and have them dress up. that would be awesome....but maybe a little creepy....perhaps offensive if you go with the midget.........i would stay with the plush. oh and...
  15. goldfalsebond

    Anime #4- Cosplay: If you were to go to a convention or Comicon or whatever, who would you be?

    Ok so for my fourth anime related question, who would you be at a cosplay convention/Halloween/whatever. Note that this is not your favorite character. While it easily could be, im looking for what would be your best fit. this could be based of of looks, personality, physical build, race...