Recent content by gothicjak

  1. gothicjak

    Harry Potter Director Helms Doctor Who Movie

    I want to punch kittens now.... or David Yates at least
  2. gothicjak

    First game you ever played?

    Jungle Book for the Sega Genesis
  3. gothicjak

    You now have a Army of the last thing you killed in a videogame.

    An army of Archdemons....shit just got awesome
  4. gothicjak

    Do You Wanna Date the Above Avatar?

    The eyes they just keep flashing dear lord
  5. gothicjak

    So my cat has had a kitten, what awesome game related name should I give it?

    Creeper, so when it learns how to hiss it will be awesome
  6. gothicjak

    You've just woken up naked next to the lead singer of the last band you listened to

    gabriel iglesias..... no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooooo
  7. gothicjak

    Ask me about living in China

    Well, that's certainly different I was there during kindergarten up to 5 th grade so you experience as a 26 year old Now would be different to my experience then, I phrased my earlier statement oddly.
  8. gothicjak

    If you were to Cosplay...

    probably cross-playing again as either Alan Wake or Castiel from Supernatural, both have fairly easy costumes to make
  9. gothicjak

    Ask me about living in China

    IWhat's it like just kinda living there on an average day? I knew what mine was like when I lived there way back in the late 90's early 2000's but what's it like for someone who's older?
  10. gothicjak

    The best voice you've ever heard.

    Anthony Bourdain, Snarky and usually cursing but oddly comforting
  11. gothicjak

    Poll: The Best of Whedon's Work

    Angel for the win. I love Buffy too but Angel allowed characters to expand a bit more, like Cordelia, who in Buffy was just The snob but in Buffy actually became a well rounded character. So yeah Angel wins.
  12. gothicjak

    what are you a fan-boy/girl of?

    spent a good amount of my middle school days obsessed with the Jak and Daxter series, and I still hope that Naughty Dog will make a new one
  13. gothicjak

    Enemies that you absolutely hate to fight in video games

    Husks in Mass Effect
  14. gothicjak

    What's on Batman's ipod?

    Disney music
  15. gothicjak

    Do You Wanna Date the Above Avatar?

    No I won't get my sexy on