Recent content by gradiusman

  1. gradiusman

    What's your favourite board game or card game? [Last Night On Earth review included]

    Arkham Horror is fun to play the first couple of times. However it is quite expensive if you want to get any of the expansions. My friends and I have found it a little boring after playing it about 10 times, a few of those games were 5-8 hours long. Our new favorite is Tales of the Arabian...
  2. gradiusman

    Accept Your Quest. Collect The Fallen. Win an XBOX360 or PS3!

    I just want to apologize for the fast clicking a lot of us have been doing for this contest. At least it seems to be over now. I know most, if not all of us, didn't intend to make it look like we were attacking the site. We can all rest somewhat easier now that it's done, or almost done.
  3. gradiusman

    Accept Your Quest. Collect The Fallen. Win an XBOX360 or PS3!

    My sentiments exactly. I'm not going to want to look at another profile for a couple of weeks after this is over.
  4. gradiusman

    El Shaddai: Quintessential case of "overhyped"

    I wouldn't say the game is overhyped exactly, since I didn't see any advertising for it until less than a month before it comes out. It is over advertised, however. this massive blitz of annoying video ads is crazy insane. That said, I still want to game. I wasn't particularly impressed with...
  5. gradiusman

    What's the fastest you've driven a car?

    The fastest I have been, I'm not entirely sure of. I was driving a company car, 2003 Honda Civic. I was going on north I205 here in Oregon and was on the on-ramp for I84 west into Portland, I'd gotten over into the left lane to pass the slow people and I floored it. I noticed that the cars in...
  6. gradiusman

    Accept Your Quest. Collect The Fallen. Win an XBOX360 or PS3!

    My reasons for wanting the Grand Prize aren't all that noble either. I want the PS3, but I already own one. It just happens to be an original 60GB model that is still going perfectly after however many years. I want a newer PS3 just to use for current games so I don't risk breaking mine so...
  7. gradiusman

    Accept Your Quest. Collect The Fallen. Win an XBOX360 or PS3!

    Oh, thank you for reinstating me. I was honestly just opening multiple tabs at once and going through them sequentially.
  8. gradiusman

    Accept Your Quest. Collect The Fallen. Win an XBOX360 or PS3!

    I can't access the site with my computer anymore. I'm using my phone and 3G right now because when I use wi-fi it won't connect to The Escapist. As near as I can figure my IP is being blocked by The Escapist, but I haven't done anything to warrant that. So I don't want to jump to...
  9. gradiusman

    Accept Your Quest. Collect The Fallen. Win an XBOX360 or PS3!

    Crushing your hopes, really? I'm pretty you're gonna still be on the leader board. You'll still have a good chance of getting a prize, since you don't have to be on any specific place on the leader board.
  10. gradiusman

    Poll: If you could only have one game due for release this year, what would it be?

    Terraria. No more need really be said.
  11. gradiusman

    210: The Incredible Disappearing Teacher

    This trend of just tossing the player into the frying pan is pretty bad. Even if I know how to play the game I still like going through the tutorial if it is done well. As I recall Killzone 2 just threw you into the game without explaining anything, like how to heal, I picked that up mostly...
  12. gradiusman

    Midway Sued Over Mortal Kombat Rights

    I actually enjoyed the first movie, it wasn't that good but it was fun to watch. Even if its plot is an almost exact copy of Enter the Dragon. Unfortunately this whiner has a valid claim and will probably get the rights for at least the movie he's supposedly working on now.
  13. gradiusman

    Your rarest and/or most valuable game?

    I have FFVII that I bought new when it first came out, still in great shape. I have the PS sorry the "custom playstation edition", says so on the box, of Doom. It's greatest hits but still pretty rare. I also have a perfect copy of Ring of Red, not all that rare or expensive, but still an...
  14. gradiusman

    Portal Song, except its a Valedictorian speech.

    The Dr. Horiible line was at about 1:52 in the vid: "All that matters is taking matters into your own hands."
  15. gradiusman

    Game series who's deaths you weep for.

    Yes! I was really looking forward to Alliance, but sadly it never happened.