Recent content by Gray Firion

  1. Gray Firion

    best BGM in games.

    Plenty of games with BGMs that I like, would be unfair not to mention the likes of Tekken, Devil May Cry, Sly Cooper and Final Fantasy, and various platformers over the different generations (can still hum accurately the green hills and chemical plant zones from Sonic and various stages from...
  2. Gray Firion

    Is Not Saving Someone the Same as Killing Them?

    No. Indeed I didn't specify it, but it is not my moral opinion. It is the law in my country, Portugal. I do not know the specific article, but it is enforced and is one of the laws the average citizen must have knowledge of to even earn a driver's license here.
  3. Gray Firion

    Is Not Saving Someone the Same as Killing Them?

    The entire OT part I wrote, was made on the following distinction: Theoretically, reasons, circumstances and the people involved differ. But the Practical end result is the same: someone died. If you did not know how to help, you could still try and find someone who could. A bystander who...
  4. Gray Firion

    Is Not Saving Someone the Same as Killing Them?

    Slightly off topic here. Consistency, Context and Perspective always rule in such situations and to be perfectly honest, that's the last game where you should be looking for either. Some of this is due to the different areas and different class stories having been written by completely separate...
  5. Gray Firion

    Xbox One Only Accepts Specific Headsets, Microsoft Explains Why

    Well, such a pity. It seems I can't really call it the Xbox 1-80 anymore. What with the Kinect still being the same spytoy from hell, the games still requiring always online if they use the cloud, the dashboard being designed for adds (and making them stealthy so we click on them by accident...
  6. Gray Firion

    Microsoft Spending $700 Million to Back Xbox Live Cloud Servers

    So they're boosting their servers... in a country with quite a few regions that still have underwhelming internet connections... and apparently they aren't quite finished with the idea of putting every game on the cloud somehow, pretty much enforcing Always On anyway... The Xbox 180. "It...
  7. Gray Firion

    Indie Developer: 'Evil' Is Undeserved Compliment For Microsoft

    I for one, find their opinion quite destructive.
  8. Gray Firion

    EA Explains Why Dragon Age: Inquisition Isn't Dragon Age III

    O_o It's... a name... Annoyingly and depressingly, they probably did take a good while to come with this decision. On the other hand, if they gave this much thought to the rest of the game... Indeed and that is my hope. Dragon Age 2 had one year of development. That was ridiculous...
  9. Gray Firion

    CliffyB: Microsoft Tried to "Have it Both Ways"

    So which is it Cliffy? Last week you were praising the Xbone as a godsend, and decrying Sony for not following suit. Now that M$ did a 180, you say their policies weren't the best and it's a good thing it's not forcing matters. Yeah, not even worth it anymore. Everytime, what a load of hot air.
  10. Gray Firion

    Adam Orth To Give Speech On Online Toxicity

    I don't think it's too much to hope. He Was afterall touting the company line while showering his consumer base with contempt, the same consumer base recently vindicated on the same topic against the Whole company he was in. Should the internet be more civil? Yes absolutely. Is opinion...
  11. Gray Firion

    PS4 Gets Round Of Late Night Applause For Used Game Policies

    Better coverage than from some other countries. This was direct and to the point both on the diferences of policy between the PS4 and the now Xbox 1-80 (better sounding, worse jab to mention, gotta love it ^^), and the capabilities of the PS4. Very happy this was covered in a Late Night show. ^^...
  12. Gray Firion

    Assassin's Creed IV on PC Suffers Unsurprising Delay

    Things like these are a special kind of Stupidity atthis You delay the game on pc, hoping pirates, landlubberin' practitioners of a "crafte" moste evile, will see the game come on consoles first and desist from their piratin' ways. But... does this really work? Those that were going to buy...
  13. Gray Firion

    Microsoft Drops Xbox One DRM Restrictions - UPDATED

    What? Really?! Ok, erm, gimme a moment... HA haha Ha ha ha ha ha! Whooo, aw man, for the love of... xD /inhale Seriously. After 2 months (because this started earlier with rumours) of getting told every DRM measure is a separate dick move bigger than the last, and them defending their...
  14. Gray Firion

    Rumor: PS4 Will Launch on November 21st

    Yep, this. The paper is so infamous as to be known all over Europe, for all the bad reasons.
  15. Gray Firion

    GOG Summer Sale Begins With Free Torchlight

    And there was much rejoicing! Free Torchlight, sounds about right. Time to check out GoG then. ^^