Recent content by hanako

  1. hanako

    Your greatest Gaming Epic Fails

    This is not correct, btw, it's just that the war win/loss calculation is too complicated to be summed up in a single skill test. You can totally win that battle with military power and no magic. (Not saying how unless you want me to, obviously!)
  2. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    I have to address this for memetic reasons. Even in that particular report, the number was a third, not 60%. Most large-scale research puts the number at about 10-20%, although individual studies have found false rates going anywhere from 5% to 45%. However, people tend to repeat things and...
  3. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    ... wait, are you only talking about what's most important in terms of heterosexual people meeting each other with the intent of forming relationships? That puts a slightly different spin on what you're saying. Because I'm baffled at the idea that you would evaluate an artist or mechanic or...
  4. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    Are you seriously, in public, going to sit here and state that the most important thing about women is what they look like? Seriously? Do you think the same thing is true for men? If not, why not? Although if you've actually studied the field, you should be aware that the percentage of...
  5. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    So, you're afraid that women are going to hurt your feelings. That's a valid fear. It doesn't mean that there IS an evil conspiracy of women out there actively scheming to hurt your feelings, of course, but fearing hurt is a legitimate thing to be afraid of. However, most women in the...
  6. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    Speaking of statistics that are hard to verify, someone was quoting stats that apparently the percentage of women in computer science was much higher in the 1970s than it is now - it took a huge nosedive somewhere in the 80s. This also lines up with my (purely anecdotal) evidence about the...
  7. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    In their defense, there is *always* a more important issue, no matter what your current issue is. If you're saving the planet, you're not thinking of the children, if you're thinking of the children, you're not saving the planet. If you spend your time frantically debating which bad is worse...
  8. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    This isn't unique to men, though. Find me a woman anywhere who's never felt ugly and unwanted. Even a lot of supermodels are amazingly insecure. A small percentage of women meet the hollywood beauty standard. Most women can find *someone, somewhere* if they broaden their standards enough, but so...
  9. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    No worries, you weren't the one I accused of trolling. :) It's a complex world out there, and EVERYBODY has crazy expectations they feel pressured to live up to. I don't mean to knock your feelings, I know your stuff can be frustrating as well. If there's anything I want on the subject, it's...
  10. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    Feminists don't have tv channels. They have blogs. :) I do know of a largish feminist videogame blog. Sometimes they're reasonable and have very meaningful things to say. Sometimes they're... kinda out there. And yes, they complain about games a lot more than they pick out games they actually...
  11. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    I think it's true that "holes" are scary without that necessarily having anything to do with women. That's just an unfortunate coincidence. A dark hole could have anything in it (including a pecker-eating spider! 10 points if you get the reference) Which is scarier to find when you walk into...
  12. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    Yeah, 'cause it's not like commercials on television are full of manly men jokes or that television portrays men of all types (including the popular UglyGuyHotWife combo) where women get mocked as being hideous and fat if they're over 25 or a size 2, or that a vast range of movies don't even...
  13. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    ... so, wait. Someone mentions that women play games, and your immediate reaction is to claim that it's all a lie and a cheat and women don't really play games. Sir, I must ask. Are you of the troll nature?
  14. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    OTOH, the "Women aren't turned on by visuals" meme is pretty heavily saturated in society, meaning that most women have been told they're not supposed to be aroused by visuals. I've *also* seen a "scientific" study that, like, strapped electrodes to naughty bits or something pleasant like that...
  15. hanako

    259: Vaginophobia

    If it's not you that people are belittling, it's much easier not to give a shit. :) PLZ try to think of some descriptive term other than "real" and "fake" gamers, ok? I'm not interested in facebook either, but it has tons of players and they're clearly enjoying doing something which is...