Recent content by hazakura

  1. hazakura

    The last enemy you killed has now told you that it/he/she loves you. So who is it?

    The entire nation of the gauls? Ugh. I just enslaved half of their towns and am occupying 90% of their territory and now they love me? Huh. Must be tough love.
  2. hazakura

    What is your battle cry?

    Ones I've used before: "For the furrrrr!" "For the Motherland!" "Get out there and earn your purple hearts!" Rallying cries: "Get back into position!" "RALLY!" "The enemy is that way!"
  3. hazakura


    The petition is here: OT: I really, emphisis on really, hope this dosn't pass. Or the old internet would die forever, our greatest source of information and arts would be censored. But, in the case that it does... ...Cheers, mates, it's been...
  4. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind yawned, he didn't need weapons. But a bow could be useful, and a new knife...
  5. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind Looked up, and a mechivious smile came across his face. "Oui, you're gonna need all yer fingers." He thought for a second, trying to come up with some kind of joke. "...If you manage to cut one off, can I have it? I'm starving..."
  6. hazakura

    Game Dogs: Season 2 Promo

    I gotta say, the promo was pretty funny. I hope season two finally makes it big time. Secondly, "Afghanistan" Yes, that was the final straw into making me laugh out loud.
  7. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind leaned his head back,closing his eyes and listening to the various conversations. Well, atleast they're playing nice.
  8. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind found a quiet corner and slid down the wall into a sitting position. He checked his bandages, they would work. He sighed and laid his head back, What am I gonna do with this lot? If we can barely fight one demon, we're dead men walking.
  9. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWinds hands tensed, he was now in attack mode. He tilted his head, trying to listen in, and not sure wheather to jump and begin bringing down whoever was holding a blade to his throat. "...if you can talk all casual, please, order your guard to put down their weapons."
  10. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind waved him off, "No thanks, I've had to use less before. I'm fine." He stumbbled up, and felt his claws begin to itch, stepping towards Everett. A thought hit him from the old days, and he kept his claws in, Better to have willing loyality than demand submission. He stepped...
  11. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind let himself down and torn the remaining parts of his shirt off, shredding it into ribbons. He gritted his teeth and prodded at the two burn wounds. Each had opened and were bleeding badly. No bone damage, just flesh. He began to bandage it with the rippons of his shirt. ...The...
  12. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind gave everything he could into limping. "Aye, going as fast as I can."
  13. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind stepped back and snarled, putting a boot on the demon's throat; squeezing down on it. He looked up at the metor. "Anyone got magic to deflect this thing, or atleast, steer it away from us?" He caught his breath and began to feel the combat fatigue catch up to him. I don't got...
  14. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind thought for a second, stepped back a few steps and got a running start. He charged the demon one more time and brought his fists together. He brought both of them down on half-way between the wrist and elbow of the sword carrying hand. Hopefully with enough damage, a tendon will...
  15. hazakura

    A Breaking World ((Chapter 2: An Enlightened Path))

    NorthernWind swore to himself and stepped back, keeping his hands high. This is gonna hurt...alot. He swallowed and kept his eye on the demon, "Come on, ugly."