Recent content by health-bar

  1. health-bar

    Bethesda Accepts Gamer's Bottle Cap Fallout 4 Pre-Order Payment

    translation: some guy scams bethesda out of a game by seeming cute with the temptation of free press bethesda didn't need the press, judging by how pre orders are sold out all the time, and Im skeptical of his 7 years of collecting claim. Probably just walked around to a bunch of different...
  2. health-bar

    Unskippable: Killzone: Shadow Fall - None of This Makes Any Sense

    way I figured it, is in the beginning of killzone 3, Vekta is withdrawing and ordering their troops to surrender since the Helghast main force arrives and starts wiping the floor with them (and Rico killed Visari, whom he had orders to capture, not kill, since assassinating the only man the...
  3. health-bar

    Grand Theft Auto V Sells $800 Million On Launch Day

    finally, now fucking call of duty doesnt hold that record.
  4. health-bar

    Evolution Will Kill Off Selfish People

    this claim seems wildly inaccurate but I like the little thought experiment. if all unselfish people are elimanted, IE: they were all stepped on by the selfish ones, then all you have left eventually are selfish people, like what happens with bacteria and antibiotic immunity. once the game...
  5. health-bar

    Update: Fez Dev Tells Media Member To Kill Himself

    people were looking forward to fez 2? jeez this really is news.
  6. health-bar

    Call of Duty Developer Gets Death Threats After New Patch

    its ok, guys, it's just call of duty nobody actually cares.
  7. health-bar

    Zero Punctuation: The Last of Us

    yeah pretty much my thoughts. I understand he's got to critique and all, but these complaints were formed as if he read the wikipedia page and based it all off that. I was counting my lucky stars that I didn't actually have to watch Ellie though. And the fact she could dance around enemies...
  8. health-bar

    Bulletstorm Dev: Games be a-changin'

    I'll say the same thing i've been saying about infinite and these complaints over too much violence In uncharted 2, Lazarevich actually lampshades this idea when he tells off Drake's heroics by mentioning that Drake has killed hundreds of his men. (can't find the scene on youtube but meh)...
  9. health-bar

    Next Xbox Practically Confirmed "Always-Online"

    inb4 this was all a ploy by microsoft to feed us disinformation to make us upset. then they announce that the xbox WON'T have 'always on' and everyone is so relieved that they buy it in droves. this is of course implying microsoft actually isn't mentally handicapped, so we shall see.
  10. health-bar

    New Smart Skin Allows Robots to Feel

    and we have to make it integrated into their internal power structure so that they can't deactivate it.
  11. health-bar

    Poll: Do you forgive and move on or dwell?

    Forgive, a friendship is a terrible thing to kill, but never forget.
  12. health-bar

    Food you really shouldn't have eaten

    I never regret food. but that 2 day old hobo meat was probably a bad idea.
  13. health-bar

    "Try hard..." why is that an insult again?

    the only time I ever felt "try hard" was an actual insult is was when people actually try and win on plr_hightower the people who take hightower seriously are just evil. its a silly map thats perfect for stupid loadouts. I want to trolldier for another half an hour, thank you very much.
  14. health-bar

    Massive EVE Online Superbattle Blocks The Stars

    I wish I was that pilot. Then I could claim sole responsibility for causing a multi billion isk super-incident.
  15. health-bar

    Poll: MLP Has Jumped the Shark

    PFFFFFFFFT HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.... oh man, the freakouts people are having are hilarious. Back in season 2 i was thinking that the show might lose some luster in season 3 since its completely without faust's input, but these past few weeks have just proven that the only thing losing ground are...