Recent content by Hondor64

  1. Hondor64

    Doctor Who Review: Time Travel Makes Bank Robbing Easy

    Just want to add. that us Canadians can watch the new who. (for free) on if anyone didn't know
  2. Hondor64

    Doctor Who Review: Time Travel Makes Bank Robbing Easy

    Just want to add. that us Canadians can watch the new who. (for free) on if anyone didn't know
  3. Hondor64

    Feed Dump: French Fry Attack!

    I've been waiting for that hat to be used in a feed dump. So glad I gave it to you guys, cracked me up!
  4. Hondor64

    Loading Ready Run On The Road

    Those were my cookies! Glad you enjoyed them, Really glad to finally meet you guys in person. It was really weird for me though. I've seen you on so many videos (and especially desert bus) that meeting you in person was like, I already know these people. But they have NO idea who I am. Fun and...
  5. Hondor64

    Google "Zerg Rush" and Prepare for Browser Attack

    253 apm, 105 zerglings.
  6. Hondor64

    LoadingReadyRun: Cruising

    I know, now that loading time is a thing, I actually find myself looking forward to that more then the videos (Don't get me wrong love the videos, but love watching how they make them more) Yes... I'm the guy that watches every movie with the commentary to hear the thoughts behind it...
  7. Hondor64

    LoadingReadyRun: Sh*t People Say

    Found the puppy! under all the garbage from "still havn't found the card i need" part!
  8. Hondor64

    Is battlefield 3 any good?

    No. I bought it, returned it the 3 days later. That's my opinion. Others may disagree. I finished the single player. played a bit of multi did not enjoy my experience at all. Single play had WAY to many QTE in it for a FPS. Multiplayer the guns didn't feel right, vehicle's handle like drunk...
  9. Hondor64

    Feed Dump: Marathon Train Poop

    I think this should be standard in all future vehicles. not just ones of people who have been convicted of drinking. Also MOAR ANDY!!!! He is the best co-comminater. I think Andy/Alex should be entertaining.
  10. Hondor64

    LoadingReadyRun: Cruise Vacation

    Wasn't till my second Watch through That I caught this Freedom Bank International = F.B.I BRILLIANT!!!
  11. Hondor64

    LoadingReadyRun: Whole Story - Fire Hydrants

    I love whole story. It's one of my favorite video ideas you guys had. I really hope you do more of these in the future (not a whole series like Checkpoint or Feed dump) but defiantly include them more into the rotation of LRR videos
  12. Hondor64

    BioWare Cancels EU The Old Republic Beta-Test Weekend

    I was in the beta last weekend. Sorry to hear that others are going to have to wait a while to get to test the game.
  13. Hondor64

    Auction House FAQ

    Do Not Want
  14. Hondor64

    Gamer Geeks Pick Up Girls With StarCraft Lingo

    Interestingly, Facebook won't let me share this on my wall, Apparently it's been reported as offensive or spammy! So shared the Escapist page instead!
  15. Hondor64

    Feed Dump: Mullet Bandit and the Blondes

    Great show guys but... I'm on to you!!! This is really just a way to show off all your hats before you re-open the Escapists Hat Emporium! I approve!