Recent content by HorrendusOne

  1. HorrendusOne

    Creationist Scientist Wants Airtime on Cosmos for Creationist Views

    Then, we might as well give airtime to every single belief on the planet, even though certain of those beliefs don't believe that those other beliefs exist in the 1st place, since some civilizations are older than some said beliefs.
  2. HorrendusOne

    Poll: The Elder Scrolls Online and the Imperial Edition

    I can say through years of experience that, other people can love or hate your own work more so than you. So I find this rather irrelevant. An artist can despise a piece of his work that others adore and love since it's seen from a different perspective. Not really agreeing or disagreeing with...
  3. HorrendusOne

    Poll: The Elder Scrolls Online and the Imperial Edition

    True TES fans would never defend this abomination of a game, along with anyone with decent taste (as in seeks depth, complexity, and a good story.) This game game's design is unoriginal and just a cheap shot at being a money vacuum. The small minority here disappoints me for not being smaller...
  4. HorrendusOne

    Jesse Eisenberg cast as Lex Luthor

    Jesse Eisenberg barely even portraits diversity in his acting! I have not once even come close to being impressed by any of this roles ever... and I'm a movie buff who will tolerate watching almost anything. This... this has to be the worst casting in the recent history of movies... Jesse as Lex...
  5. HorrendusOne

    EA's Quarterly Results: We Lead The Next Generation Pack

    "every gamer in Europe that bought a next-gen console is playing one of EA's next-gen games," Not a fact, henceforth it is bs. My 1st comment was that EA is bs'ing, which you discredit by blaming my "hate" of EA which you pushed onto me which was the only verbal insult between us. What...
  6. HorrendusOne

    EA's Quarterly Results: We Lead The Next Generation Pack

    How can anyone afford to compete with EA when they pay out $750 million to $850 million for the rights on ESPN brand games alone? YOU'RE the type of person to attempt to unjust anything I say by attacking me rather than look at cold hard actions that pertain to the topic. Now what about...
  7. HorrendusOne

    EA's Quarterly Results: We Lead The Next Generation Pack

    EA is one of those bullshitters that has spewed so much crap that over time they have relapsed into completely believing their own bs.
  8. HorrendusOne

    Kicking Noobs

    In some games not being able to pick up your slack makes life harder than it should be for every other player. So for those players it is a legit reason to kick that 1 person who is being the opposite of helpful despite why.
  9. HorrendusOne

    Hitting... Women

    Humans are humans I see no difference these days between the 2 genders in a more modern world. Only factor in this topic is morals, stereo-types, and situational situations. The question SHOULD actually be why isn't hitting other people ok? We have no actual NEED to fight each other for...
  10. HorrendusOne

    Dark Souls 2, PVP

    If you don't enjoy a video game that devs put out, just don't play it and move along to another one. Problem Solved? IMO that's what it boils down to. You can't be like o well i enjoy the pve aspect of the game... yea ok but that isn't the WHOLE game. So it goes back to if you don;t like it...
  11. HorrendusOne

    Oculus Rift May Force Game Prices Higher

    So the jist of it is the Director of Developer Relations is trying too sell off the idea of VR developing to devs by telling them they should charge more money for already over priced games?
  12. HorrendusOne

    Capcom: Next-Gen Development "Eight to Ten Times" More Work

    *OOhh noooo now we can't just 1/2 ass game to make money off the consoles anymore because now they will actually take time and effort, our poor profits QQ.* Maybe now they will put effort effort into game making to actually make DECENT AAA titles rather then have them be a joke.
  13. HorrendusOne

    Mangaka Claims Kill la Kill Plagiarizes His Manga

    Sooo so so many anime have the same overused similarities,(that idk why people would watch) and to say he felt similar to someone with PTSD is insulting, just makes me not want to hear from this guy anymore due to that alone and no longer care at the least.
  14. HorrendusOne

    The Elder Scrolls Online Player Emperors to Get Permanent Skills

    This game will never last, the very foundation is bad, all their ideas are terrible. They are just seriously wasting money at this point just to put a stain on the TES name. Have these Devs never played a video game before or just outdated ones? Nothing about TES: Online has made sense since day...
  15. HorrendusOne

    I love being right

    I have a bad habit of being right, but no one ever listens till it's too late. (proven over the course of my life) Never sure why people don't listen when even I'm nice about it. Usually has to due with age, personal issues, etc on their side. I find Americans despise you if your smarter than...