Recent content by Iampringles

  1. Iampringles

    Is gaming dead for you?

    I wouldn't say it's dead, but so many new releases these days seem so unoriginal that I could understand someone who thinks gaming is dead.
  2. Iampringles

    Zero Punctuation: Kid Icarus: Uprising

    Funniest ZP in a long time. I would have thought the protagonist would have been called Icarus, given the title of the game...
  3. Iampringles

    Zero Punctuation: Ninja Gaiden 3

    I had no idea this game even existed. On another note, why the hell would they set part of it in Britain? It seems most incongruous.
  4. Iampringles

    Anyone considering going back to Black Ops?

    How about going back to Call of Duty 4? It does the same thing as all the other CoDs, but it does it better.
  5. Iampringles

    Avatar: what do you think of it?

    Quite honestly, it was solid. Nothing too genre defining, it was simply good.
  6. Iampringles

    Poll: Are your parents divorced? College Survey

    Still together. :P
  7. Iampringles

    Zero Punctuation: Driver: San Francisco

    I wonder which episode of Columbo he is referring to...
  8. Iampringles

    Drinking Games: Pour-tall 2

    Is the aim to get drunk, or not get drunk? :P
  9. Iampringles

    Did Twilight really suck that much?

    I watched the first film, and that was pretty good. But I haven't read the book, so I wouldn't know of it's literary quality.
  10. Iampringles

    Poll: One of the planets in our solar system must be destroyed! *besides earth*

    Probably Venus. No one likes that guy.
  11. Iampringles

    George Lucas fucking with Star wars again.

    I would have thought, that with the amount of critical acclaim the Star Wars orginal trilogy received, that Lucas would just leave them alone and rape the franchise in some other manner, perhaps by bringing out Star Wars tampons or a Smurfs crossover movie...
  12. Iampringles

    Poll: Peta "Porn Site" - Would this even work?

    Porn always works, because it's not expected in mainstream media.
  13. Iampringles

    You Got Your Pokemon In My Minecraft

    I wish this could be released as a proper game. Godammit, Nintendo, WHERE IS THE POKÉMON MMO?!
  14. Iampringles

    I'm buying a boat, and she'll need a name. Suggestions?

    HMS Tittyfucker. That is all.
  15. Iampringles

    Poll: Philosophy: Important or a Waste of Time?

    Well yeah, all modern sciences are derivatives of Philosophy, so I believe it to be the most important subject. But we wouldn't be nothing without it...