Recent content by ian528

  1. ian528

    Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2

    That may be true but we are not privy to why those 3 projects were cancelled. Also the projects they did complete at the end were derivative and no where near the height of what Planescape was. And that team did leave to become Troika. Icewind Dale 2 being a prime example of phoning it in...
  2. ian528

    Betheseda's new directions

    Right idea wrong time. Bethesda has left this one until too late. I think with WOW hitting stabilization mark what you are going to see is a general slacking off of fantasy based MMOs for a while. The issue is that WOW mined that field successfully and for a long time and Everquest did it...
  3. ian528

    Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2

  4. ian528

    Mass Effect 2 Ending (Spoilers from first post)

    So explain why it has to be either Legion or Tali. I would think that Mordin would also be able to survive as tech person but I have not been able to get him to survive.
  5. ian528

    I fail to see how this is funny.

    For those old enough to remember: Andy Kaufman. Being a man portraying a man being an ass still makes you an ass.
  6. ian528

    Poll: Will Heavy Rain sell well?

    I actually tried to play Indigo Prophecy. I was not impressed at all. I did not like its game play mechanics at all. I think that will be much more of a problem then the press thinks. People need common mechanics to make things work and a game that only works on QTE SUCKS!
  7. ian528

    Teen Arrested for Making Threats Over Xbox Live

    What is it with Canada and Texas... First creepy older woman goes up and sleeps with teen to then be arrested in Texas because although she did not violate canadian law she did violate Texan law. Now a Texan teen is turned in by a Canadian?
  8. ian528

    Mass Effect 2 Ending (Spoilers from first post)

    On my first play through Thane and Mordin died. On my second, play through everyone lived but I never got legion cause I sold his robot ass. 3rd play through is so going to be everyone lives and paragon. 4th playthrough going to get Legion early and make him a permanent team member even when I...
  9. ian528

    Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2

    I think this is the most blah review he has done for a while. The vitriol that inhabits most of his review is missing for the main point that it is a basically good or great game. However, the elephant that was in the room that he did nod to and then move on from is the lack of real nudity in...
  10. ian528

    You haven't played Mass Effect 2 until...

    Have played through Mass Effect 1 again getting to level 60 being rich making all the choices you want to experience the game differently. Oh and played the game through at least once with a starting character in ME2.
  11. ian528

    Did anyone like Miranda ?(Mass Effect 2)

    I have to say Mordin is the stand out character this time around. His skills are kind of blah for me but his inability to shut up is hilarious. Plus his loyalty mission was a knock you on your ass kind of thing. There was such a shade of grey about him and what he had done that I really...