Recent content by IgneusMaeror

  1. IgneusMaeror

    New Assassin's Creed Title Outed By GameStop Art

    Desmond not being, well, what he was, would be a nice touch, but I'm kind of glad they (kind of) ditched him for another character. There's this thing with Nolan North, the characters he voiced were almost universally likable, and at its worst, he would have voiced some guard NPC you wouldn't...
  2. IgneusMaeror

    New Copies of Alan Wake Shine Brighter Than Used

    I wouldn't be worried about this trend if Microsoft would solve their marketplace issues. Often I have purchased a factory sealed game, only for the fucking marketplace to tell me I can't download that extra shit from my (XBOX Live supported, mind you) location.
  3. IgneusMaeror

    Crytek CEO Predicts the End of Free Game Demos

    Game demos have been conveying less and less of the look and feel of their full counterparts. In very rare cases did a demo help me make up my mind about whether I want to purchase a game or not. But, charging 15$ for a demo just seems ridiculous. It may be just *me*, but nothing stops me from...
  4. IgneusMaeror

    Is an Apocalypse Now Game in the Works?

    ... a bit late for an April's fools joke, innit? Now reading this headline first induced surprise, then a brief moment of contempt, like how *could* they even *think* about touching that fucking masterpiece. Reading halfway through the article I was dreaming up ways to avoid any kind of news...
  5. IgneusMaeror

    Molyneux: Fable 3 Has the "Greatest Cast Ever"

    XIII? I thought Duchovny was terrible in Area 51. And I loved the shit out of X-Files.
  6. IgneusMaeror

    EA Isn't Trying to Blackmail You

    When first confronted with the rather dreadful day one DLC business, (i.e., buying a fancy collector's edition to have all that delicious extra content, then finding out the next week that there's a DLC to give me an item stash for storing loot) I was quite a bit annoyed. Thus, I wasn't ready to...
  7. IgneusMaeror

    The Day One DLC Trap

    Wait... "Shale and her quest"? her quest? Have I missed on of the subtleties of the English language or does Shale turn out to be ...?
  8. IgneusMaeror

    The Needles: How Dumb Do They Think We Are?

    At times it feels like DRM in PC games is treated like a minorities problem. It is hard to tell how these ridiculous "solutions" are justified, but I think at very least a part of them is thinking: "What the hell, if gamers want to avoid this kind of problem, they'll play it on the consoles." I...
  9. IgneusMaeror

    Games that you lost.

    A little bag containing Splinter Cell and American McGee's Alice got thrown into the river of Danube.
  10. IgneusMaeror

    YouTube Killed the Video Star

    Mr. Chipman certainly has a point. He's referring to an already worldwide phenomenon, focusing on its effect on the movie-goers. Each and every generation gets even more spoiled, they get straight to dessert without even having to look at the vegetables. This is basically the way to sell things...
  11. IgneusMaeror

    Is there any game where the main character has an accent?

    Serbian, for that matter. Pardon me for being anal. Edit: Note to self, read before posting. My post was redundant, AND I quoted the wrong post.
  12. IgneusMaeror

    The First Game you ever played as a Kid...

    It was River Raid on the Atari 2600
  13. IgneusMaeror

    Geekiest thing you have said in public

    "The NVIDIA RIVA TNT has TWO pixel pipelines. NVIDIA wins." I was among a bunch of medicine students. It wasn't completely out of context, you see, I had been asked whether something had changed in my life, i.e. "What's up, man, what's new..."
  14. IgneusMaeror

    Why so much hate for Halo in particular

    Isn't it obvious? It's jealousy, man. I mean, what other game has a Beyonce song named after it?
  15. IgneusMaeror

    Funniest way someone died in a videogame

    I concur. It got even funnier by Leon whining over his impaled corpse. I was going to post it with a spoiler alert, but someone who hasn't played Resident Evil 4 yet cannot be pitied.