Recent content by iLeikHip

  1. iLeikHip

    The Setting Of The Last Game You Were In Is Your New Home

    Lolmegaton. This is a good thing. Time to protect these wastes.
  2. iLeikHip

    What is the worst thing a game can do?

    Confirming DLC before the game is even out.
  3. iLeikHip

    Skyrim Questions

    Hey there, I'm an avid Skyrim fan, and I cannot wait for it to come out, but I do have so questions that I cannot find online. If anyone would be able to answer them for me, that would be great :D 1. Is the fast travel system going to be Oblivion Style (fast travel to anywhere from anywhere)...
  4. iLeikHip

    You are the last human on Earth. What now?

    >Minecraft >Drive fast cars >Travel to Bethesda Studios and play Skyrim >Masturbate >Steal a much lego as I can, build it, then throw it out >Burn shit >Raid a gun store and shoot shit >Shoot burning shit >Masturbate some more >Do as much drugs as I possibly can. >Light self on fire...
  5. iLeikHip

    Bethesda Preps Bronze Army For Skyrim Release

    Well, time to level up my lockpicking skill.
  6. iLeikHip

    Give me ideas for ME2 :D

    Be a giant dick to everyone. It's pretty fun.
  7. iLeikHip

    Should I Pre-Order MW3 or SR3

    Hmm... I think I'll pre order SR3, I'll wait and hear the reviews for MW3.
  8. iLeikHip

    Blizzard Releasing Six Titles Before 2014

  9. iLeikHip

    Am I the only one with a Nuclear Holocaust box..

    Just in case I live to 2077, Am I the only one who has a box to keep things they need to survive? I have a very large coat, a few knifes, about 400 bottle caps, and water bottles..?
  10. iLeikHip

    Should I Pre-Order MW3 or SR3

    From my leftover birthday money, I'm trying to decide between MW3 or SR3 (Saints Row 3). I'm looking forward to both, and I think I'll love them equally great, but I'm just trying to find out which one to pre-order. And yes, I've already pre-ordered Skyrim, so thats out of the picture. Thanks.
  11. iLeikHip

    Most obsessive compulsive thing you've done in a game?

    Collecting every carton/pack of cigarettes in Fallout New Vegas... and making a pile in the lucky 38..
  12. iLeikHip

    NASA Says Don't Worry About Falling Satellite

    Am I the only one who thinks this is the start of an Alien horror movie?
  13. iLeikHip

    Best moments in Oblivion

    Easily the first time I tried to mess around with bodies and physics. I thought that you wouldn't be able to do stuff like that, seeing as I've only played really linear games up to that point. It really did blow my mind moving hundreds of naked bodies into one pile.
  14. iLeikHip

    Do you find incest wrong?

    From my fast knowledge of Hentai, Japan really does love it.
  15. iLeikHip

    Skyrim Easter Eggs?

    Are you guys looking forward to Easter Eggs? I sure I am, but I really hope there is more then what was in Oblivion. Bethesda should really take a page pout of Rockstars book; Have some huge Easter Eggs that your friends won't believe when you tell them :D