Recent content by ImPeruvianGuy

  1. I

    Would free DLC encourage you to buy paid DLC?

    Its is highly unlikely to encourage me to buy their game, because, the free DLC is likely a small item sample as a skin color, weapons, or new characters. Paid DLC are usually worth the prize like adding a new mission or level towards the single player campaign.
  2. I

    "You're screwed" moments

    mario kart is when you can be a 1st place, and go to last because the bots got the blue shell. The biggest thing from that game is when paying slip screen with other friends, so when you are last within the groups. you have to switch with the 5th friend, and you have to wait for the match to be...
  3. I

    Is Too Human THAT bad?

    to tell the truth is was okay, is not good but good enough to keep you occupied to beat the campaign
  4. I

    Should we support black ops 2?

    i don't understand this hate. really guys if you like call of duty, and you want to play it then buy it or rent it. if you hate call of duty. FIrst, stop bitching about how the graphics sucks or not enough annotation, just stop. and second. if you don't want to play it then DON'T buy it; nobody...
  5. I

    I liked ME3's ending

    i don't understand why you have to believe that you have to hate the ending, just because a lot of people were bitching about it. Don't feel that you have to a shame for liking the ending, everyone has their own likes and dislikes.
  6. I

    Poll: Favourite Comic Book Publisher

    DC got to be my favorite publisher the only reason is because they own Batman and the RIddler
  7. I

    Rockstar Reveals Extensive Max Payne 3 DLC Schedule

    i'm going to wait to confirme DLC are good or not. there is no rush because i can buy the season pass in a later time, just like i did in Gears of Wars 3
  8. I

    Multiplayer Graces God of War

    i guess having a multiplayer for the god of war series is good, but it's not going to be the reason people going to buy the game. Is like the Assassin Creed series (after Brotherhood).
  9. I

    Good Free Games

    i know how you fell, i'm in college too. you could check on Steam, 1) they have a good numbers of play for free games like Team Fortress 2 and so on 2) many times they have great deals on games (like for me, i got portal 1 and 2 for 15 dollars). also there is the lastest Tribes game. DOTA 2 is...
  10. I

    Pornography, should it be banned?

    - Pornography completely objectifies women well yes and no. if your straight occurs there is going to be women in the act - Many sex slaves in the world are linked to pornography really, ok even though you will il legalized porn, theres going to be a black market - 98% of female performers...
  11. I

    is passing the third installment good or bad?

    i love games like Gears of War, Halo, Call of duty, and so on. i know that last year many games had a 3 in the end, and the new release of Max Payne 3. I was thinking that their no need for a franchies to pass the 3rd game (using the same character). This is pretty much focusing on HALO 4. Don't...
  12. I

    Parents Suing Apple Over In-Game Purchasing

    i think is stupid that those parents are suing Apple. because i have to put a password before i can purchase an app or game (free or not). and those parents should have given their kids the password. or just tell don't buy anything with out my permission
  13. I

    GR: Future Soldier. Holy s**t

    i do have the same reaction when i started to play beta. i enjoy the gameplay, the movement, and the upgrading system. the only cons i can only think for now is that the game mode you are REQUIRE for some level of team work. i remember the one time i had a team that work together, and i had a...
  14. I

    Does a long list of DLC turn you off from the game?

    for me it depends on how long it takes for the DLC to come up. for example the Fallout series for the DLC it took a couple months for one DLC to come up, and it took a year later (Sep 20,1011) for the final DLC . for me it seem a reasonable time, but for games to bring up DLC one day later (Mass...
  15. I

    Does she like me?

    ok dude, i understand you situation. i need to tell you to ask her out, because theres no real way how to tell a girl likes you. remember this quota "nothing venture nothing gain"