Recent content by inFAMOUSCowZ

  1. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Games you want, but are not willing to pay full price for.

    With most games that I won't already dropped in price I'm looking at what is to come. And I'm interested in Inversion, but I'm still skeptical as to how well the game will be. At this time I'll wait a bit before I get it. Also the next CoD of course fun, but not worth the $60.
  2. inFAMOUSCowZ

    What's with the MMO hate, you hateful haters?

    Part of it is the monthly fees. I don't play a game that much to warrant money every month. Maybe the first month but by the second I'm also playing other things. So it isn't MMOs it's just monthly fees that get me.
  3. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Is Revan a Light Sith or a Dark Jedi? *possible minor spoilers*

    Sith all the way. Partly I always loved the Sith second, those assholes should've told me. I would understood the reasons why they did what they did, instead they used me.
  4. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Most awaited Games of 2012!!

    Most big games were already mentioned, so I'm going to go with one that I don't think was mentioned yet. Risen 2, I loved the first one, and the second looks to improve a lot over the first.
  5. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Poll: Gaming Society

    While this gen for the most part peaked, each generation innovates in one way or another. Story telling, gameplay, A.I things like that.
  6. inFAMOUSCowZ

    What's your favourite movie twist?

    The Prestige. While I saw the twist coming early on, I thought it was still fantastic.
  7. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Kitase Discusses Hypothetical Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Because Square Enix no longer makes exclusives for sony. It could be likely that if a remake were to happen, it could end up on the next xbox, nintendo system, and the next playstation.
  8. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Short but sweet games

    Metro 2033. Beat the game around 5 hours, and it was really just great. The atmosphere was great for that game. The story, interesting, the characters I thought were also interesting. Went back through to beat the game a second time. It also convinced me to buy the book. Can't wait for the next one.
  9. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Square Enix Wants a New Final Fantasy Every Year

    Really it all depends on the quality. I mean say what you want about CoDs single player being short, if you're into the online it can last for months. And now that Assassins Creed has online as well as a great single player, you can play tat for months too. But a Final Fantasy every year? They...
  10. inFAMOUSCowZ

    The adventures of an Orc in Skyrim

    Very well done, if you do more, I'll read'em.
  11. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Stormcloaks are too mainstream.

    I'm a Stormcloak why you may ask? Because they have virtues I agree with. I don't like how the empire can so easily tell everyone what to do, how to behave. And part of the reason Windhelm is doing so bad, is because they are pretty much by themselves. Very few of the cities are in their...
  12. inFAMOUSCowZ

    I liked Battlefield 3 Single Player

    The single player wasn't bad, but it was so average that Dice should've done better. I thought Bad company 2 single player was better. OT: I really enjoyed Singularity's single player, I feel that it is largely ignored.
  13. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Poll: Which of these should be canceled

    Easily two and a half men. Hate that show, never found it to be close to funny.
  14. inFAMOUSCowZ

    Your gaming nitpick

    Unskip-able/unpause-able cut scenes. Those two things are very needed in a game. First time playing a game I want to see every scene, sometimes I have to leave real quick. But the cut scene won't pause, and then once you beat a game and want to skip scenes, you can't.
  15. inFAMOUSCowZ

    President of Ninty America says Skyward Sword best game ever created, Past/Present/Future included

    I don't care if this is true or not. I just can't wait for the game. This or Skyrim will be my GOTY.