Recent content by Insideout Ink Demon

  1. Insideout Ink Demon

    Dark Souls Remastered - The Original is Not the Best

    This is why I don't want a Demon's Souls Remaster, modern eyes will be too harsh to a game i love the memory of
  2. Insideout Ink Demon

    Why are people so dumb about veganism?

    i think vegans just get a bad rep because the hard core ones do stupid shit like call milk "cow lactations" then wonder why we dont suddenly jump on board. Theres a vegan guy i tease in work, but only in fun. good on you if you have the will power
  3. Insideout Ink Demon

    [Politics] UK Suspends Parliament

    The problem is that Brexit does not divide into party lines, it smashes through them. Labour and Tory ahve been trying to hold their parties together, please both their leave and remain voters as well as both their leave and remain MPs. Populists and the MSM have made it difficult for any...
  4. Insideout Ink Demon

    What are your thoughts on Bioware?

    1. Do you think EA will axe Bioware? A. yes, thats what EA does 2. Would you be mad if not upset if it happens? A. No, i was upset when EA took over, DA:O and ME1 were my last great Bioware games. In my eyes, they are Bioware in name alone. 3. Is there any chance for Bioware to redeem? A...
  5. Insideout Ink Demon

    New hard game comes out. Idiot press wants easy mode.

    MLP has a hardcore mode? get in!
  6. Insideout Ink Demon

    The Playstation 5 is coming! First details

    I wonder if this heralds a wider tech announcement in some new storage tech, although is does sound very specifically worded.
  7. Insideout Ink Demon

    I am watching the first 2 Terminator movies in their entirety for the first time.

    writing a movie off as some feminist sjw conspiracy before it's even released (off of a single promo shot even), is the reason people have to tip toe around and use disclaimers to say Ghostbusters 3 was awful. Hold your horses. it has Gabriel Luna who played a great Ghost Rider and it has...
  8. Insideout Ink Demon

    I am watching the first 2 Terminator movies in their entirety for the first time.

    would you have been worried anyway if the dates were different? not to be facetious, but is the only thing making you not worry about liquid terminators is that we've missed judgement day?
  9. Insideout Ink Demon

    [POLITICS] Brexit deadline

    how about if the people in charge are incapable of directing us out of the EU? or that we were promised the world would be beating down our door, but now we've seen that no one is? or that it wasn't defined if we were voting to leave with or without a deal? how do you meet the needs of a...
  10. Insideout Ink Demon

    What do you eat?

    and what would i have for lunch?
  11. Insideout Ink Demon

    Have we seen the end of the generational leap for consoles?

    PS1 to PS2 graphical leap PS2 to PS3 open world games leap PS3 to PS4 loot box leap
  12. Insideout Ink Demon

    A puddle removed from upcoming Spiderman game, graphic warriors shriek in bereavement

    Those little boxes can only hold so much power, that said warnings in trailers about being represntitive of the final product would be nice
  13. Insideout Ink Demon

    Will humanity lose its technology or will we achieve a Star Trek style future?

    I think if we can find a more efficient way to leave the planet, mankind will only advance its technology from there, as it'd be bloody tough to find an event that would effect us all. As for a Star Trek. Enterprise showed tht when the Vulcans made First Contact, they took mankind under their...
  14. Insideout Ink Demon

    How is Nintendo successful?

    I'm currious what the OP thinks of the feed back they have gotten? This isn't theie first bash at big N, are they curious or venting?
  15. Insideout Ink Demon

    How is Nintendo successful?

    With that logic, how are consoles sucessful when they are behind mid range PC's? i'm being facetious, themost powerful console each gen and the most successful console rarely seems to be the same. fun games is the key. you could say Big N milk's it's franchises, but who doesnt?