Recent content by Introspector

  1. Introspector

    What do you think separates humans from other animals?

    Chomsky said that the only thing that seperates human communication from an animnals is recursion, which is where you embedd one sentence within another (like i have done here). Although i think our ability to talk about abstract concepts, times, places etc. and the level of meaning we can...
  2. Introspector

    Why do people want to be immortal?

    I suppose the desire for immortality comes from the human need to do things he/she can't. We couldnt fly, now we can. We couldnt travel to the moon, now we can. Death is the big deifnate that everyone will definately experience, so to be able to overcome that would be the ultimate...
  3. Introspector

    How would Dr Octopus' arms change your life?

    Well, i presume the increase to my intelligence would allow me to build all manner of super inventions, so i'd build whatever i need to fight off several armies and take power. Making the world a better place.
  4. Introspector

    What games did you finish, and then immediately start again?

    Arkham Asylum and Portal are my only ones so far, but im hoping to add Arkham City and Portal 2 to that list after christmas
  5. Introspector

    Remember remember the fifth of November....

    if we're going to be really honest with ourselves, Guy Fawkes night is about looking around and going "Aren't catholics silly?", then enjoying the fact that they didnt overthrow the Monarchy. So tonight, im going to go into to town, eat some sausage and mach (literally, that is NOT an...
  6. Introspector

    To all you Non American English speaking people out there

    Generally, accent stuff doesn't bother me, but god it grates me when Britain is generalised into London, and then london is only cockneys and lords (which are two of the smallest percentages of the population & accents). Especially in one interview with the makers of CSI who, when asked if he...
  7. Introspector

    Favorite incarnation of The Doctor?

    In order; Paul McGann, David Tennant then John Pertwee. I quite like Patrick Troughton, that loveable tramp.
  8. Introspector

    Poll: The war against violence, time to ban __________

    Surely, in the war on violence, the Next thing to ban is films. And Television, and books, and the internet, and games (except perhaps tetris and even then, its arguable). While you're at it, better get rid of paintings, and sports, and thought. To be safe, we'll get rid houses, and towns, and...
  9. Introspector

    Poll: Writing vs. Videos

    So, I started to wonder which would be better, everything is written down or everything is videoed. Both would be valid ways of keeping records (although writing would stand the test of time better,perhaps?) and in the modern age, both would be equally easy to store (on servers, presumably)...
  10. Introspector

    There can only be one website...

    I'd have to say either Wikipedia (with some minor modifications; i.e. to improve it's news updating, include/ embed videos and sound etc. and perhaps a greater localisation [so you get the news from where you're from as well as world, and make searches more relevant e.g. Portland Oregon vs...
  11. Introspector

    A question for you Britons here.......

    What a silly language we share, Americons and us. Anyway, i find that i notice the cameras that cover most building corners, but i cant say that it bothers me. The main problem seems to be the amount it costs to run and maintain and get any sort of use out of, during an age of austerity...
  12. Introspector

    Could a sniper kill Magneto?

    Magneto is mildy magnetic subconsciously, so he can sense metal in the surrounding area- therefore he would be able to tell that you had the gun, loaded it etc. Add to that the fact that he seems to be atuned to the worlds magnetic field anyway, he could probably sense metals within a wide...
  13. Introspector

    Most Tragic Villain

    Surely thats what makes the Joker so tragic, he can't pull his mind together for long enough to remember who he even is. The only thing he knows about himself is that something terrible happened to him. Its even worse if he chooses to have a mind that distorted, he would rather have no concept...
  14. Introspector

    Do you get angry/annoyed when people disrespect your country's flag?

    I dont mind particularily, but then I dont attribute many meanings to the flag. I can only really see it as a symbol for the unification of England, scotland and wales under the crown, and if someone disagrees with that then that might annoy me slightly. Carelessness doesnt bother me...