Recent content by irishda

  1. irishda

    So... is Baby Yoda a M/Gary Sue

    I'm just saddened by the Force being overplayed in Star Wars in general. The Mandalorian was initially interesting to me because it promised a series focused away from the CONSTANT Jedi drama and dealing with people who can't macguffin their way out of every situation. And then it immediately...
  2. irishda

    Watchmen TV Series

    But it wasn't just the criminal justice system, vigilantism in the US has a long and storied history with white supremacy. Extra-judicial killings were often the result of lynch mobs targeting accused black men more than anyone else. Pair that sense of racial "justice" with a deep distrust of...
  3. irishda

    Watchmen TV Series

    I'm assuming there's more to Don than meets the eye, especially for Regina, that will be uncovered. I also recall the wheelchair man's statement at the beginning when Regina first meets him outside her bakery when I saw the end of the episode. "Do I look like I could lift 200 pounds?"
  4. irishda

    Watchmen TV Series

    Anyone else catch the new Watchmen series premier on HBO last night? Most of the social media comments I saw about it were very negative, because it used the source material as a base to branch off into a new story, rather than just retell the comic book. For those unfamiliar, the series takes...
  5. irishda

    Did Slavery in the Western World ended solely because of the Industrial Revolution?

    Well, when you say the Western World, as others have pointed out, slavery was never exactly a pillar of it. Slavery existed in many forms but with a variety of social norms and rules to it, with many cultures allowing slaves to "earn" freedom and even civic equality. When we say, "slavery in the...
  6. irishda

    [Politics] "Pregnant Woman Indicted For Baby's Death After Being Shot"

    So I'm curious. If the other woman had instead punched the pregnant woman in the stomach, and the pregnancy was thus miscarried due to a punch instead of a gunshot, would that make their prosecution acceptable? Because right now we have a semantic argument that the other woman is still to blame...
  7. irishda

    EA: They're not loot boxes, they're "surprise mechanics," and they're "quite ethical"

    If you reply to a post without reading the whole post, you're gonna have a bad time. The mere presence of chance does not qualify ANYTHING as gambling. The semantics of your argument lie in "value". The problem is you're paying for virtual items that cannot exist outside of the game they...
  8. irishda

    EA: They're not loot boxes, they're "surprise mechanics," and they're "quite ethical"

    God I hate these threads. Loot boxes are definitely not gambling, and you DEFINITELY don't want them to start treating them as such. They're shitty, but they're not gambling any more than buying a package of starburst is gambling because it might have more yellow in it than pink. A key component...
  9. irishda

    Mythology Buffs, looking for an example of....

    Humanities professor here, you're kind of out of luck on this one. There are various gods of crafting and metallurgy you can certainly use, but none of them have any historical myths that speak to a sort of steampunk, copycat creation of man in a mechanical sense. The closest you get are magical...
  10. irishda

    [Politics] TRUMP IS GUILTY

    They already did. It was called Occupy Wall Street. And it didn't work because liberalism is almost by definition unorganized. Progressive ideals are not centered on a fixed point the way conservatism is because conservatism is rooted in a "return", an attempt to reignite what has existed in the...
  11. irishda

    Game of Thrones Final Season Discussion Thread. (SPOILERS ABOUND, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

    Characters have always had plot armor in Thrones, so I'm not surprised so few actual favorites died. Lyanna and Jorah are the only two that people liked by my count, although Theon is beloved by some. Still, I'm mad the crypts had undead in them. Even if the Starks didn't cremate, then bury...
  12. irishda

    If You Won A HUGE Sum Of Money...What Weird Thing Would You Do?

    Shout "Drinks are on me!" in a crowded bar. Open a drive-in theater. Travel the world writing and gathering folk tales from various cultures to create a compendium. Finance and write a true crime series centered around a specific device but each season explores a different gang/criminal...
  13. irishda

    Game of Thrones Final Season Discussion Thread. (SPOILERS ABOUND, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

    For all the fan theories going around about the resurrection of the Winterfell dead in the crypts, someone remind me. I recall the burial ritual of the Northerners involving burning the dead and then burying the bones, a la Greek style. Which seems like it would seriously hinder reanimation. At...
  14. irishda

    So! Avengers: Endgame

    Interesting that this is being hailed as a character driven movie considering Infinity War characters barely had more than one line of dialogue. I'm pretty sure Captain America doesn't say more than six lines. Characterization is squished to make room for exposition and action sets. It's...
  15. irishda

    What outcomes do you want from Avengers: endgame?

    Bro, just say you hate people not liking these movies and get it over with.