Recent content by Irmekroache

  1. I

    Martial Arts That Aren't Useless

    No martial art is useless. Sometimes martial arts have very obscure applications, if you go learn more traditional martial arts, you'll notice that all the movements are weaved into philosophies and schools of thoughts, and that the movements aren't necessarily the most practical for fighting...
  2. I

    Should every fantasy RPG be based on (good) books?

    Then bethesda sure screwed up on that one. Because hell is exactly what they tried to suggest when creating the environments for the Oblivion plane. I'm also quite sure you didn't find that information in-game, and read it somewhere on the internet. If a developer wants to write back story to...
  3. I

    Should every fantasy RPG be based on (good) books?

    I actually didn't complete the main quest of Oblivion because the invasion from hell idea isn't that great, and when I was talking about writing I wasn't talking about the story, I was talking about the lore. There was none in Oblivion.
  4. I

    Should every fantasy RPG be based on (good) books?

    Look at Bethesda, those guys that created Oblivion. They were obviously lacking good writers, and look exactly where Oblivion ended up; Generic, boring, and totally uncreative. Now looks at Gothic 3 (whose game-world was based on a book), I played the demo, and even though it was a demo, I...
  5. I

    Should my children play games?

    Hum, yeah, let her play, but try not to let her play on it too much. I remember when I was in elementary school, and there was a kid in the same bus as me named Daniel; This guy watched so much TV that everything he says seem to be quoted right out of spongebob. He reenacts episodes of spongbob...
  6. I

    I Need A Name For My Cat

    Bollocks, if you don't mind saying that all the time.
  7. I

    Poll: Are graphics taking over story/gameplay?

    Yeah Graphics are getting more important. Because they are easier to make than a good story and good game design. As technology increases the easier it is to make good graphics. With all the Bloom, and the bump mapping, and the fancy engines, and parallax mapping, and dynamic shadows, and...
  8. I

    Far Cry 2 Looks Like The Best FPS This Year!

    Firstly, the graphics are inferior to Crysis in everyway. So for the people who like good graphics, stick with Crysis. Secondly, the gameplay actually looks very old. Also try to remember the limitations of technology and the sheer size of the game and you'll know why some of the cool features...
  9. I

    realistic games. to much to ask for?

    More realistic a game is. Less of a game it is.
  10. I

    Fable 2 or Force Unleashed. Which should I get?

    Fable 2. Force Unleashed looks gimmicky as hell.
  11. I

    Games are doomed never to become an art form.

    Games are not art. Art are human creation made for the purpose of: expression, beauty, communication, and many more. I am no expert. But I'm damn sure entertaiment isn't the purpose of art, you'll never get entertained by art. The thing is, art is in videogames. The writing, music, and...
  12. I

    How to make RPGs better

    I am no man. (Yet)
  13. I

    How to make RPGs better

    I only enjoy RPGs for the writing the art and the large explorable world. Only reason. The idea of a virtual "you" defined by variables sounds extremely weird. Never got into that stuff. RPGs for me are more of an excuse to experience an adventure, open-endedness is essential as an illusion for...
  14. I

    Gaming Concepts That Would Revolutionize the Industry or at Least Make for a Good Game

    Ok Ok. I got one, a game that had most 70% of its development time researching for a good gameplay formula before starting to work on the art aspects of the game (the fillers). I feel that every game these days is: choose a pre-existing genre, brainstorm gimmicks and minor change to the...