Recent content by j1015

  1. J

    All of Hitman's Additional Story DLC Will be Free

    People will whine about anything these days. At least see how it is before being so negative. With these type of attitudes, if I was IO, I would't offer this in the first place. If people aren't going to show a slither of optimism let alone wait for results, I'd continue to dlc, season pass and...
  2. J

    Gone Girl and When Good Movies Happen to Bad People

    That's exactly what I object to. Being correct doesn't make it okay for Bob to be inflammatory or condescending. It defeats any purpose he might have teaching some of these people, or at least trying to get them to see, understand and respect his point of view. By writing the article this way he...
  3. J

    Gone Girl and When Good Movies Happen to Bad People

    Wow, what a truly offensive statement. I don't know what color you are and it doesn't matter. Even if you are Black and American you have no idea about "black culture". The culture you're trying to stereotype is the hip-hop culture, not black culture, and you're getting that wrong too. My 61...
  4. J

    Is this a perfect world?

    The world was, is currently not, and will again, be perfect.
  5. J

    Is this a perfect world?

    I know it's the taboo book broached by supposed idiots but the Bible presents paradisiac conditions. In it people that are meek and hard working and peaceful inherit the earth. There will be no war, famine, disease and the "minor things" eliminated as well. Now I know this seems like fairy tale...
  6. J

    Is this a perfect world?

    I always find this statement interesting and not the least bit simple-minded. How can we know perfection is boring if we've never experienced perfection? How do we know that a perfect society that didn't spend obscene amounts of money on war and disease wouldn't be interesting in that more time...
  7. J

    The Big Picture: MovieBob's Best of 2013

    I really can't see why people liked Spring Breakers. It was pretty good but not overwhelming up to the completely unrealistic ending. I'm sure the ending is a closet and not so closet fantasy for some racists but it was so stupid, it wasn't even ironically comical and I hate Gucci Mane. Only saw...
  8. J

    The Trials and Perils of Returning to PC

    Yahtzee makes excellent points in regards to why a "harcdore gamer" would go PC and hate these new batch of consoles, but anyone that predicting the demise of these consoles is a bit too much in their own world. Same applies to thinking my beloved Nintendo could come up and take the console war...
  9. J


    OP has accomplished their goal Has not responded for 5 hours, yet everyone is severely agitated.
  10. J

    Jimquisition: Time To Get Paid

    We probably won't see anything as Overkill didn't spends millions marketing this. The mainstream media probably has no idea this game exist. Thanks for the dildo Jim, but next time, don't do it. If we can't behave ourselves and you still reward us,we'll never learn. Worse, we'll become even...
  11. J

    No Right Answer: Most Improved Video Game Franchise

    That really is the question. Why don't you ever talk about SF2?
  12. J

    Movie Defense Force: Silent Hill

    I didn't know people hated this film. I loved it.
  13. J

    So why is it offensive to consider homosexuality as a choice?

    If you slept with a hundred men, it would definitely change the way you feel inside.
  14. J

    Jimquisition: Dragon's Frown

    We're unlikely to have real respect as a group because too many of us refuse to grow up or at the very least act childish too often. I respect your efforts Jim and hope they have some effect.
  15. J

    The Big Picture: With Great Power

    One of the best episodes you've ever done. I'm with you, but it seems, from reading many comments, that you have your work cut out. I'm seeing a lot of denial and focusing on the minutia of the episode instead of it's broader theme and main point. *Sigh*