Recent content by J234

  1. J

    Chernobyl Becoming a Tourist Destination Next Year

    Ab-so-lutely. Me and my friend actually talked over going there once, now it's even easier to experience the desolation, tragedy and FUN of Chernobyl! Chernobyl: Remember, click-click-clickity means, run your ass out of there!
  2. J

    Piracy Critic Admits to Huge Pirated Music Collection

    Haha, she's just like those gay-bashing Bible-belters who turn out to be closet homosexuals or fetish artists. Oh, irony. Or maybe cognitive dissonance? It's not like she really lost that money, anyways. Who could have said that all those pirates would really have bought her books anyways if...
  3. J

    Big Iron On His Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip

    Big Iron, Johnny Guitar, Do Right and Jingle Jangle (for that 50's poppy charm and supreme irony) are probably my favourites, but it certainly could have used quite a few more for sure. I do love Mr. New Vegas when he isn't repeating the same shit for five minutes though. Wish he'd have some new...
  4. J

    280: You Can't Judge a Game By Its Trailer

    I believe that many game companies don't create demos for several reasons, such as for some games they wouldn't influence sales much or at all. For example, MW2 broke records for selling the most copies at launch and earning the most of any video game EVER, so if I was Activision/Treyarch, I'd...
  5. J

    Preview: Homefront

    It might be patriotic for YOU, my Yankee friend, but believe it or not, the whole world does not actually live in America. Though I do live in North America (Canada if you're so curious), so I suppose the environs will certainly make me feel familiar, if not patriotic. Also, as a few have...
  6. J

    Question of the Day, October 20, 2010

    Not to mention you can slice a zombie clean in half with even a clumsily-fired sawblade. Anybody for zombie teriyaki? Just the crazy vortigaunt? That's alright it's acquired taste anyways.
  7. J

    Unskippable: Epic Mickey

    Hmm. So this is what Warren Spector was doing instead of working on Deus Ex 3. Well then...he clearly went mad after Invisible War. Or Daikatana. Also I think Mickey was too busy huffing helium to remodel his room or check out that weird mirror...
  8. J

    Film These Heroes!

    Maybe I'm just too accustom to him being Cpt. Picard, but I don't know if he'd do Spider's malevolent...tendencies quite as well, though he'd do an interesting job portraying him as a journalist/detective.
  9. J

    Unskippable: Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

    That wouldn't be Men of War you're thinking of, would it? That game did have a pretty cool campaign, if the voice acting was pretty ridiculous at times...(Russians sounding more French sometimes than Russian..)
  10. J

    Film These Heroes!

    He might not be a superhero per say, but Spider Jerusalem in a Transmetropolitan movie could be interesting. It could be a great chance for some hopefully well-done intense parody of society and pop culture, though I can't imagine a good director for something as insane as it'd have to...
  11. J

    Unskippable: Aliens vs Predator

    Unless the explosion released a massive wave of solid plasma or energy that swept the smaller ship in its wake, (which it didn't, from what I can tell) it wouldn't release any blast wave, as any pressure wave released by an explosion has to propagate through a fluid like air or water, or even a...
  12. J

    Question of the Day, June 23, 2010

    Yeah, like Banana Man said, anything would have been nice, even a non-specific, vague teaser. Oh well...there are always more game convention things like PAX to very tenuously hope Ep. 3 might magically be at..:(
  13. J

    Games that aren't supposed to be scary, but scared you

    In this Army Man game, there was a setting that made everyone who died turn back into a zombie that came down from the top of the screen and killed your soldiers. I accidentally turned it on when I was like 7 or 8, and it scared the shit out of me when I heard these moaning noises from nowhere...
  14. J

    239: Curiosity Killed the NPC

    I think you're pointing out more of a limitation of video game RPGs as opposed to tabletops: Developers can only implement so many decisions into a game (though games are getting better at at least pigeonholing you in to one decision or another via clever writing) while in a tabletop there can...
  15. J

    Tiger Woods Sales Unaffected by Tiger Woods

    Tiger Woods sales have been unaffected by Tiger Woods: they're still extremely low! *rimshot*