Recent content by Jack Nettle

  1. Jack Nettle

    Most Boring Game You've Ever Played

    I can tell I could get some hate from this... Morrowind, STALKER: SoC, STALKER: CoP, Terraria, Mass Effect 1 and 2, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. I feel bad for not giving Morrowind a better chance after the praise it gets, but I can't seem to find the will to play.
  2. Jack Nettle

    "Racist" (or something) Superbowl commercial

    In this ad, I see a woman getting angry at her husband/boyfriend and accidentally hitting another woman with a can. A racist (such as the congresswoman)would view these people with different skin colors in mind. In other words, they aren't seeing them as humans, but rather a type or categorized...
  3. Jack Nettle


    Oh geez, I hope I don't get flamed... Anthropomorphics...
  4. Jack Nettle

    Poll: Who would win?: Alien, Predator, Terminator.

    So, my uncle brought up this question during our Christmas dinner and I can't really make up my mind. I thought it would be an interesting topic to put up on the forum. So Escapists, who would win? The Alien, Predator, or Terminator? (Arnold Terminator from the first movie, not the...
  5. Jack Nettle

    The world you were just playing in is now the world

    So, I'm enlisted in the U.S. Army? (BF:BC2) I guess that's... okay. Too bad I'm going to die in a few minutes when I hit the beach, and get shot in the face by the Russians. I've always wanted to die by the hands of a guy with a wicked awesome accent...
  6. Jack Nettle

    Putting it out to pasture - What series do you want to end?

    Pokemon and Call of Duty. That is all.
  7. Jack Nettle

    The last enemy you killed had a family

    Last thing I killed was a zombie, so I guess the conversation would go pretty easy; "I'm sorry Mrs. Johnson, but your husband tried to eat my brain, and that was a dick move." Maybe... "I swear, the shotgun wasn't loaded when your father started scratching my eyes out!"
  8. Jack Nettle

    Humanity will be destroyed in approximately 3 hours

    Kill someone... Like anyone. I don't care, and why should they if humanity is going to end? ... Or hump something, just to continue this combo.
  9. Jack Nettle

    Which game developer would you like to work for if given a chance?

    Bioware, I just need to get my hands on SW:TOR. Wait... do I actually have to work? :(
  10. Jack Nettle

    4chan saved someones life

    I've gotta admit, I didn't expect that coming from a place like 4chan. I don't think I'm going to talk shit about them for a long time... Very heart-warming story.
  11. Jack Nettle

    Games you Desperately Want to be Made. NOW.

    I want SW:TOR to be released sooner, I want to see (at least) a HL2: Ep. 3 announcement, I would like to see Bethesda work on The Elder Scrolls 5 (New Vegas just didn't do it for me), a new SW: Battlefront 3 (One that ISN'T on a portable), and... Sure, why not? Mass Effect 3. Edit...
  12. Jack Nettle

    Pile of wood = art?

    I can't believe our own money was wasted on a guy who piled a bunch of wood together. I've seen the news story, and the artist is a friggin' nut case.
  13. Jack Nettle

    Why does old music equal superiority?

    New music can be good, you just have to look in the right places. I don't like the new style of music because a lot of it sounds so manufactured and fake, just a basic example is auto-tune. That doesn't mean that I don't like "new" music, I just don't like the popular pop music. A lot of good...
  14. Jack Nettle

    Your last three game purchases.. and were they worth it?

    Fallout: New Vegas - Yes, I feel as if they've taken Fallout 3 and made it a lot better. Minecraft - Hell-freaking-yes. STALKER - No.
  15. Jack Nettle

    Justin Bieber "Beat Up" a 12 Year Old

    Have you guys been to laser tag recently? The regulars there are totally serious, trash talking scum. OT: After reading some news papers, talking about the event with some people, I believe that the media is just being over dramatic... Although, as far as I can tell, the kid calling Justin a...