Recent content by Jack Sheehan

  1. J

    Zero Punctuation: Prince of Persia Retrospective

    I always though i was the only one to think spiderman 2 was ace. That and goldeneye were the best movie liscence games ever.
  2. J

    18-Hour Final Fantasy XI Boss Induces Puking

    hehehe this is funny
  3. J

    Microsoft "Investing to Win" in Europe

    Microsoft: Stop treating us like shit and you wont have any need for lovely press announcements.
  4. J

    Your Writing Style?

    I tend to use the continuous present tense a lot.
  5. J

    Zero Punctuation: Age of Conan

    The midsomer murders thing was brilliant.
  6. J

    Fallout 3, will it be changed?

    Blame This man:
  7. J

    Zero Punctuation: Alone in the Dark

    Please keep using Terry and Gonad as characters.
  8. J

    Ahead of its Time: The Fall of Max Payne 2

    Don't look at me, I bought this the first day it came out.
  9. J

    Zero Punctuation: Metal Gear Solid 4

    I'd love another mailbag showdown personally, the last one was the funniest video in ages.
  10. J

    Zero Punctuation: Console Rundown

    Anyone impatient for more Yahtzee should check out the latest Australian Gamer podcast. Its the second one with Yahtzee in it and he is every bit as funny as in ZP.
  11. J

    Duke Nukem Forever Gameplay Footage Glimpsed

    It looks....ugly.
  12. J

    Slash: Games Promote 'Lethargy in Kids'

    Bear in mind the man giving health advice has been clinically dead twice.
  13. J

    Let's start a town/country/colony.

    I would create a huge fascist Police-state with Jackbooted Thugs on each street corner. Anyone disagreeing with the rules would be mercilessly sent to Gulags (in Westmeath).
  14. J

    de-rez: Jack Thompson The Movie

    'And they left me the Dark.'
  15. J

    Artificial Difficulty: Biggest Offenders

    Everything by CryTek. How are you supposed to play Far Cry like a stealth shooter if everyone in the map has super vision and can see you at 6 miles away? To add insult to injury they of course have perfect aim.