Recent content by Jackpot524

  1. Jackpot524

    A question about PSN being down...

    I just got an e-mail from Sony saying that my Playstation account information was compromised... Apparently the network was hacked into and that's why they shut it down. I'm really not that concerned about the downloads...
  2. Jackpot524

    Daily Drop: Super Mario & Duck Hunt

    I realised that too... And they've obviously given up on safety. No gloves?! What the hell guys!
  3. Jackpot524

    Daily Drop: Wooden Car

    "The airbags! They do nothing" Well... at least the goggles did their job.
  4. Jackpot524

    Daily Drop: GameBoy

    I believe it's a model of a 40's era car. I thought it was a labeler at first...
  5. Jackpot524

    Daily Drop: Silly Putty

    Well, I figured you'd deke us out and bounce something wierd for April Fools Day... I just didn't expect you to bounce a Y chromosome! I never realized those things were so big... Thanks for your contribution to science!
  6. Jackpot524

    Trailers: Battlefield 3 Fault Line: Good Effect on Target

    Looks good... I'm an absolute sucker for the Battlefield series so it's definately on my wishlist!
  7. Jackpot524

    Poll: Think you think straight? Think again...

    Key for this one is "ALWAYS," Agreeing means that there is absolutely no reason to ever take a life, Disagreeing means that taking a life could be justified... So you "Disagree" with this statement. I'm a bit confused by your objection to this one... I think you might be taking this to...
  8. Jackpot524

    Poll: Think you think straight? Think again...

    I thought the same, but I eventually rationalized things to myself so that it would work out. What did you have issues with?
  9. Jackpot524

    Poll: Think you think straight? Think again...

    0% Yay! That was a cool excercise... I really had to think about some of my responses and I feel like I actually learned something.
  10. Jackpot524

    LoadingReadyRun: Reality Tear

    So... Is Paul doing community service to repay the damage he did with the LHC? Or some other terrible contraption?
  11. Jackpot524

    Show About Games Show: Office Drafts & Pokéjobs

    Wow... The one thing that continues to amaze me is the effort you put into your videos. The 3D Magnemite was great! However, I would love to see a little more polish on the script-writing. Yeah, I picked up on thst too... I suddenly want to have a Monty Phython marathon. Also, did anyone...
  12. Jackpot524

    Sentences heard NEVER before

    ! Oddly enough, I've heard similar statements actually made. Except in the second phrase, "blue" was meant in the emotional sense as opposed to the literal. Though, I'm certain Dr. Manhatten has heard it before.
  13. Jackpot524

    Trailers: L.A. Noire "The Naked City"

    Cool, now I know where I'm pre-ordering this game! Seriously, I am psyched up for this game! I've always wanted a quality police/crime solving game and this looks like it'll be right up my alley.
  14. Jackpot524

    Sentences heard NEVER before

    What an odd thread... I'll bite. "An automated cat attacked the moon with a dewey decimal system, now the sky falls up." However, a homeless man may have beat me to this one...
  15. Jackpot524

    Games with the most annoying fanboys/girls

    World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy and Call of Duty all come to mind... However, I've had my worst experiences with WoW Fans, it really scares me when some fans can recite the history of Azeroth, but have minimal knowledge of real history. I brought this up to a WoW playing friend and he...