Recent content by Jake Lewis Clayton

  1. J

    EXP: ScrewAttack's Death BATTLE! Thor vs. Raiden

    Raiden only has to take mortal form when fighting in the world of MK, because only mortals can defend one realm from another realm in a tournament. He would not have to take mortal form for a cross over vs thor. Who although a 'god' still has to have a physical form. Sorry but if both...
  2. J

    American Ambassador Lectures Aussies On Game of Thrones Theft

    Oh and for any Americans that's about $56 a month.
  3. J

    Torment Breaks Kickstarter Record

    8.5* million.
  4. J

    Games you liked but quit playing due to an (arguably) stupid problem.

    I have quite a large list coming up, so stay with me. Red Dead Redemption - system froze out of blue, so I loaded most recent save, then thought, that isn't the most recent save, that's ages ago. (hours of work lost, couldn't do same missions twice) Lost Planet - I really don't know what...
  5. J

    The UK "Game" store is not doing very well financially, I found out why!

    Likeing the shout out to HUKDs :P and game is utter rubbish to be honest. I only ever had one good experience and that was when wrath of the litch king came out (burn't onto a new less opaque disc which older dvd readers couldn't read, took about 20 minutes to get a refund though, [nothing...
  6. J

    King Arthur II Review

    Damn I preordered this game a while back on steam (didn't get round to playing because of work). Was going to give it a try this weekend, wish i hadn't bought it now
  7. J

    New Spider-Man trailer, and it looks... good!

    Merchandise rights, they wouldn't get to use andrew garfield's appearance as peter parker, as it would already be another companies "IP". And superhero movies don't get made without merch, Unless marvel bought the rights to use andrew garfields image as spiderman/peter parker.
  8. J

    Skyrim's level scaling.. hmmm.

    I dislike the stronger and stronger daugr I keep having to come up against, especially if I have to venture into a new dungeon for a misc quest, which would only net me 500 gold. To then come up against enemies with ebony and glass weapons, bit of an annoying fight to be honest.
  9. J

    Hail Ulfric!!!!!..........??

    Thats a bit of a stretch, Gallic is probably a better term for Great Britain as a whole. When the romans left there was only really a slight roman/gallic population left, followed by a short few hundred years of anglo/saxon (which indeed are germanic) then followed by a norman (french)...
  10. J

    The worst game you've ever played

    Lost planet. Sad to say but I found it absolutely dreadfull, from start to the point I had to give up.
  11. J

    The worst game you've ever played

    I actually have a signed copy of that, (signed by one of the artists, who ended up teaching at my college) It was a running joke in our class how shit the game was, so we all bourght some copies and got them signed. If you ever looked at a house in the shire and thought, damn thats a nice...
  12. J

    Boy of 11 is a father

    Just a few things. 1 this was 14 years ago this story, the girl is now married and the boy is in jail (I think he's still there). Unlike american law, if a boy suffers a statutory rape he is not responsible for the child which results from any sex (unless he willingly puts his name on the...
  13. J

    Wow, So I just bought a laptop, and I'm having problems with it.

    You have a monster desktop, but don't know what type of laptop you have? And had to get it set up by the "geek squad" (asking on these forums would probably get you better tech advice as your probably realising). And you was told you could run a brand new game on a laptops midrange i5 without...