Recent content by James Theesfeld

  1. J

    Horizon Zero Dawn and accusations of SJW pandering: What is true, and what isn't.

    I haven't played the game. Or know much about the game. I'm an xbone luddite. But I've skimmed the thread and I think it makes a statement about the games industry that we've all kinda missed. "So and so is a pandering black character." "I think Villain Guy is white because they weren't...
  2. J

    Overwatch Cheaters Are Getting Wrecked By Blizzard

    This is actually really interesting because it brings to light something we don't actually talk about when it comes to software: Licensing. It turns out that you don't actually own the software you purchase. Depending on the wording you might not actually even own the disc it came on. What...
  3. J

    So far, the Witcher 3 seems kind of sexist

    This is literally untrue. Over centuries the standard of beauty and thus healthy or sexy has changed, and it has very little to do with any kind of "state of nature" conceptions of attractiveness.
  4. J

    So far, the Witcher 3 seems kind of sexist

    My only contribution to this thread is to point out that the game was made in Poland, by Polish developers. It's based on a popular series of books by a Polish author and is heavily informed by Polish culture. As such this game is very much a reflection of Polish society, and not western society...
  5. J

    I Found XCOM 2 Disappointing

    Two thoughts: You don't need to rush bases or mission objectives. This is the same game as X-com. You take out bases when you need to stop the clock, and you finish mission objectives after you've gotten important milestones. Just because they yell OH MY GOD COMMANDER doesn't mean you have to...
  6. J

    A Question for Any Straight Girls...

    The problem with hitting on someone at work is that they're generally required to be nice to you, and it's difficult for them to get away from you. I had two young female employees that evening shifts for me in the department I run at this grocery store. They would complain all the time about...
  7. J

    Full Rock Band 4 Setlist Announced

    This is a big deal for me personally. I haven't been able to play Rock Band for years because I rocked the peripherals to pieces. I'm going to get it so I can keep playing Rock Band.