Recent content by JazzCP

  1. JazzCP

    Favorite videogame song

    Hello? The Moon - Ducktales NES.
  2. JazzCP

    It's Valentines Day, what are you doing?

    Sitting at home, eating chocolate, watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, feeling sorry for myself. Just like every other Valentines Day.
  3. JazzCP

    Favorite Underhyped Game from Last Gen

    I played Dark Cloud on a demo disc from years ago and loved it. It's too obscure though, as I've never seen it in stores. Ever. In around six years. I'll have to specifically hunt it online...
  4. JazzCP

    The Top 8 Games that can send you to HELL

    Yep. Same here. I'm disappointed with the Human Race for having people like this... I'm not against religion or anything, but I think this is getting toward borderline silly.
  5. JazzCP

    What do you want for Valentine's Day?

    The girl I like to notice me.
  6. JazzCP

    Poll: Do you like fishfinger sandwiches?

    One of my favourites :)
  7. JazzCP

    Who last killed you?

    The Scarecrow. If even one pixel of his vision even thinks about brushing a strand of fabric from your cape, you are screwed.
  8. JazzCP

    If Gordon Freeman could say one sentence, what would it be?

    "Have you ever just had one of those days?"
  9. JazzCP

    If Gordon Freeman could say one sentence, what would it be?

    Either: "I WAS FROZEN TODAY!" or "Why did I sign up for Nuclear Physics in College for a bet?" (cookie for reference)
  10. JazzCP

    Weird-Ass Facts

    Earwigs have two penises. In Burma, it is illegal to own an unregistered modem. And now for a joke one: If you laid out your Intestines across the floor end to end,
  11. JazzCP

    Best Anime Opening Song!

    Cowboy Bebop. No question about it. If you want, go and check out the "Theme Lyrics" version at It's worth a look.
  12. JazzCP

    Getting Rejected : What's the worst that could happen?

    You. Have. NO. Idea. I've been strung along by every girl I've ever had any feelings for. I mean, every single one. Just because they see me as just like every other guy that they had been out with before, despite the fact I'm one of the nice ones. I hate being an 18 year old British man...
  13. JazzCP

    Game Dogs: Episode Three: Mr. Yee

    I wasn't much on this week's episode. The others were OK, but I didn't like this one. I'll give it another week before I make a judgement.
  14. JazzCP

    Games that you want made, but will never happen.

    Croc 3. Why not? I would love to see them go back and make it from scratch and make it like the original (world maps, not villages. Gobbo collection, not objectives. Coloured crystals unlock bonus stages, not Golden Gobbo stages etc.) with extra shininess. And, Future Cop LAPD in Next Gen...
  15. JazzCP

    Next Game You're Buying

    I'm waiting for Bioshock 2. Thinking about ordering Star Trek Online soon though.