Recent content by JazzJack2

  1. JazzJack2

    Unpopular Opinions

    Music of the past was for the most part worse or at least more homogenous than modern music despite the constants cries that it has degraded over time.
  2. JazzJack2

    What would you consider adult music?

    This is pretty adult tbh, make sure you play it as loud as possible.
  3. JazzJack2

    Hotline Miami 2 Dev to Australians: "Just Pirate The Game"

    Why the should they have to edit their game? because moralizing arseholes have decided they can restrict what adults can or can't enjoy without giving any real justification? Oh and why is that? saying art shouldn't depict certain things because it may or may not be tasteless is absurb.
  4. JazzJack2

    Volcanoes Seem To Be Slowing Global Warming

    Oh look someone who doesn't understand the scientific method trying to dismiss the work of qualified professionals with his own ignornace, I was wondering how long it would take for denialists to turn up.
  5. JazzJack2

    Sweden Considering Sexism Labels For Video Games

    It's simply baffling you could suggest such tripe and then harp on about Orwellianism. Utilitarian law was and is the basis (or at least justification) for police state rule in Communist countries, the idea of laws being utilitarian is even more open to abuse by authority figures than laws based...
  6. JazzJack2

    Poll: Best band ever!

    Lmao this is such a rockist poll, and a really shit one at that since both Queen and rush are pretty awful. I don't think I could narrow it down to a list of top ten in individual genres let alone name the best band of all time but if I had to choose it would be either Miles Davis' band he...
  7. JazzJack2

    Does Music Today Suck Now, Or Am I Finally 'Old'?

    People who claim anything along the lines of 'modern x' (whether it is art, literature, music etc) is trash are generally the people who know least about x. There is plenty of great modern music and it only takes a small amount of effort to find it.
  8. JazzJack2

    Seventh Generation Classics

    Well personal classics for me would be games like STALKER, Dork souls and Hotline miami but the unfortunate truth is that the most iconic game of the 7th generation is Minecraft. Think about it, not only has it sold a stupidly large amount of copies it's impact is huge and varied such as setting...
  9. JazzJack2

    Dad says no to COD, takes kids to real warzone

    Mixed feelings on this, It's good he's not spoiling his kids or sheltering them but I get a 'video-game violence/war is analogous to real violence/war' feeling to this which doesn't sit well with me.
  10. JazzJack2

    Lack of Gay Character Options in RPGs "A Shame," Says BioWare Producer

    Yawn, just another of these let's pretend we are progressive and fresh for including something that has been in games for over a decade. Bioware have done this quite a few times now, yes we get it you have gay characters there's nothing controversial about that so stop pretending there is.
  11. JazzJack2

    "Monkey Selfie" Erupts into Copyright Battle on Wikipedia

    You clearly don't understand anything about copyright law, if I take a photo on someone else's camera I still own the rights to the photo unless agreed otherwise. They aren't suddenly granted ownership of it because it's their camera, that would be nonsensical.
  12. JazzJack2

    Can someone explain S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to me?

    Well difficulty, challenge and extremely well modeled bullet physics are a large part of the reason people like it but the biggest reason why I personally love STALKER (and why lots of other people do) is the atmosphere, there is simply no game I think of that even comes close to the atmosphere...
  13. JazzJack2

    Poll: Fallout 3 or New Vegas

    No all RPGs (or at least CRPG style RPGs like the Fallout series) base the game around the skill points the player has invested into the character not the players actual skill level allowing them to roleplay a character they want to. If you want a game based around the skill of the player don't...
  14. JazzJack2

    Poll: Fallout 3 or New Vegas

    Gun sway makes perfect sense in a game where the skill of the player should be less relevant than the skill points of the character, it gives an easy way to reflect Gun skill. Also funny you should complain about dice rolls and randomization despite the fact that Fallout 3 has randomized spray...
  15. JazzJack2

    Poll: Fallout 3 or New Vegas

    I have never heard a single FPS player complain about iron sights being hand holdy, unnecessary and annoying yes but never anything as stupid as them being handholding (which makes no sense at all). Except of course the sways guns have is negated by a mixture of putting skill points into the...