Recent content by jcarreno

  1. J

    How did you find the Escapist?

    i listen to the Gamers with Jobs podcast which used to include Russ Pitts until he moved to the Escapist. checked it out following the move
  2. J

    What are your hobbies (besides gaming)?

    wood working and martial arts (karate, kick-boxing and hapkido), although all hobbies including gaming take a back stage to my kids. but i wouldnt call them a hobby :)
  3. J

    Poll: Is it worth it to get mass effect 3?

    heartily agree. well worth playing regardless of the end.
  4. J

    Never forget your first...

    The original Legend of Zelda on the NES. i did try to play the hunt for red october on an old IBM before that but i'm not counting it because i never figured out how to play the damn thing
  5. J

    What 3 games have you played the longest?

    1. Guild Wars 2. Oblivion 3. Skyrim The old Republic will be taking over Skyrim soon... very soon.