Recent content by JGoodman

  1. J

    Game Dogs: Season 2 Promo

    There's one great Justin Bieber track... however, some... um... editing is needed.
  2. J

    The Most Awesome Music Video Evar? Unfortunately you have to sign in to see that. Moreover the track is pretty indifferent and it's in language unintelligible to most of you... But it involves blow-up dolls, epic stare and a female ninja. Could you ask for more?
  3. J

    Game Dogs: Pilot Episode: D&D Kills

    Looks like a few people have the exact same thoughts as I do. Way too much slapstick.
  4. J

    Meet the Game Dogs - Gary and Bethany

    Because it's a proven fact that every one of them is a plushie-shagging weirdo who can feel good about themselves only by dressing as a deranged NCAAB mascot. Just like everyone who plays video games is a sad and obese excuse for a human being living in their mother's basement and dying as a...
  5. J

    Meet the Game Dogs - Chet and Roger

    I'm a man of peace, but I just love to read about these two sides arguing. It's like watching a debate where the winner is who can make the biggest moron of themselves. The hatred is basically a clash of two things: mass media and one of the oldest instincts there is: People hate what they...
  6. J

    Unskippable: Jak II

    Edit: nevermind, works now