Recent content by jibjab963

  1. jibjab963

    Farting is the hardest thing for me.

    It's more than understandable. In hindsight it probably would have better if I included games title in there as well.
  2. jibjab963

    Farting is the hardest thing for me.

    I don't understand how it would be cheating to get help in understanding a small aspect of the game.
  3. jibjab963

    Farting is the hardest thing for me.

    I figured out my main problem with that one. The screen prompted me to do the fart with two sticks, one stick on the left the other on the right. This automatically made me assume that the stick on the left was the left analog stick, and the stick on the right was the right analog stick. It took...
  4. jibjab963

    Farting is the hardest thing for me.

    As I play the new South Park: The Stick of Truth like many others I am becoming rather troubled by something in the game. Farting, a form of magic that is unlocked through the game, is incredibly annoying to get down. It is the most annoying difficult when you are first learning a fart. Maybe...
  5. jibjab963

    Will you buy a One?

    I will not get the console before I get the PS4. I say this not because of the console but because of the company itself. Ever since I got a 360 about 2 years after release I've been plagued with problems from not only the console, but from Microsoft itself. Every time I sent the console in for...
  6. jibjab963

    White People! Are you offended being called a "Cracka"?

    I'm not so much offended by it, as I am annoyed to a stupidly high degree when people try to tell me being called "Cracka" or "Cracker" is not racist. While I can understand cracka not being racist in some sense, the being called cracker is racist all the time.
  7. jibjab963

    CliffyB: Microsoft Tried to "Have it Both Ways"

    I'm sorry but if developers want us to stop selling games then they should stop releasing an updated version of it every year and try to sell us that we need the latest one and expect us to keep the older versions (I'm looking at you EA). I keep games because they are fun. I replay games because...
  8. jibjab963

    Assassin's Creed Creator Says Nobody Cares About Discs Anymore

    Well then call me "Nobody" for the rest of my life. Not having a disk can be a major turn off for me.
  9. jibjab963

    Xbox One reveal live discussion

    They're seriously going through with the used game fee? Well that's idiotic in more ways than one. And how would game rentals work then? It's going to be the same issue that people had with online passes at this rate. Edit: The Xbox Support twitter account said that the "rumor" of a used game...
  10. jibjab963

    Xbox One reveal live discussion

    I honestly missed everything because of graduation stuff. Can some one tell me if it will be backwards compatible? If not I'll be very disappointed. Well more so than I already am... Edit: Never mind. I found out it isn't compatible with not only 360 games, but arcade games and other...
  11. jibjab963

    Star Wars Battlefront 3 (Our hopes live on!)

    BF2 was the first game I had ever played online. Even though I got utterly destroyed in every match it still brought a lot of joy to my childhood.
  12. jibjab963

    Star Wars Battlefront 3 (Our hopes live on!)

    I think that game was terrible because they didn't scrap what other publishers did in years past and just start over on their own. If Disney manages to mess up Battlefront 3 I would be surprised. All we really want from it is a nicer look, some sort of campaign that isn't a movie tie in, and...
  13. jibjab963

    Star Wars Battlefront 3 (Our hopes live on!) For those too lazy to read the short article link above it basically says that Disney is going to release two Star Wars. The first would be Star Wars: First Assault...
  14. jibjab963

    Trailers: Deadpool - Official Gameplay Trailer

    I'm very excited for this game. High Moon did amazingly well with the Transformers games so I have the same standards with this game as well.
  15. jibjab963

    What enrages you most in gaming?

    First off it would have to be the passes. When I want to see how a game is I normally just go out and rent it. However this is a major issue when I want to try out the online (At least give me a 5 day trial with no restrictions or something) or I miss out on a chunk of the game (I guess an...