Recent content by Joe Whistler

  1. Joe Whistler

    What should the next "Souls" game be titled?

    How about tortured souls. That feels about right!
  2. Joe Whistler

    Poll: The Voice of God

    It would have to be none other than the voice of Darth Vader himself, James Earl motherf**king Jones!!!! /thread
  3. Joe Whistler

    Games that you would instantly buy

    Also, This!!!!!! So much want I can't describe it.
  4. Joe Whistler

    Games that you would instantly buy

    MDK3, a Star Wars MMO that had combat on par with Jedi Academy, or any new twitch based space shooter that is at least as good as the Freespace series. Or a Freespace MMO. Gods, that would be awesome.
  5. Joe Whistler

    What's your favourtie INDIE game?

    MFW Cavestory!
  6. Joe Whistler

    If you could bring three game characters to hell with you

    Serious Sam, to kill off anything that comes in hordes Quote from Cave Story, because he went there and blew it up A Female Nerevarine, because she is incredibly powerful, and I might get lonely.
  7. Joe Whistler

    Games you regret to have bought ?

    I would love to know. I only played ff1,2,3, and 8. I enjoyed 2's combat system as well as 8's and when I tried 7, I found none of the same fun and strategy. Oh, and Tactics is the Greatest FF Game IMO. On Topic:FF3 DS (The job system screwed me for every boss fight.) Tao Feng: Fist of...
  8. Joe Whistler

    ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! Quick, transform into your favourite anime or gaming character Zombies can suck my Caster!
  9. Joe Whistler

    If you had to live in a Video Game world, which one would you live in?

    You are a brave, silly person. have fun fighting off an Insect Armageddon. Aslo, just for clarification, I meant that you would still be you wherever you went. So i would be a human, with asthma, living in Morrowind. Not the Nerevarine.
  10. Joe Whistler

    If you had to live in a Video Game world, which one would you live in?

    Pretend that you have annoyed some god or another, and as punishment, they are banishing you from our universe. "But since I am not a cruel god, i will let you choose any other world to live in." I want to know, where would you go? Personally, I'm heading to Morrowind. See you N'Wahs later!
  11. Joe Whistler

    You wake up to find your avatar on the other side of the room.

    "Holy Shit I have a Pokemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  12. Joe Whistler

    Your Favorite Cartoon Theme Song? or this one!
  13. Joe Whistler

    Your Favorite Cartoon Theme Song? End Of Story!
  14. Joe Whistler

    You know you have played too much of a game when...

    I knew i had played too much Morrowind when I tried to jump in Halo by using the left trigger. (Here's a secret: it didn't end well)
  15. Joe Whistler

    You can bring one V.G character into the real world...

    Totodile....or Leon Scott Kenedy. We'd be best friends and I would learn to do the greatest roundhouse ever!