Recent content by John Funk

  1. John Funk


    He has white skin. Police don't know someone's ethnicity when they pull someone over. If you're of hispanic descent but light-colored skin and you're walking through NYC, you probably won't get stopped and frisked. If you're of hispanic descent but with darker skin, your odds go up. So no...
  2. John Funk


    Diluted fools. You've been spread out too thin in water. The comic is making fun of the knee-jerk reactions people, usually straight white guys, tend to have when other people have the temerity to bring up "Hey, maybe we should have some characters who aren't white/male/heterosexual." With a...
  3. John Funk

    The Big Picture: Boy's Own Adventure

    You're really not going to be happy in a half century. The rest of us are going to remember MLK's words that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.
  4. John Funk

    The Big Picture: Boy's Own Adventure

    You misunderstand the problem completely. The problem is not any one character, or indeed any one series. The problem is all the characters and all the series taken together reveal certain troublesome trends. People aren't asking for every single woman to be a sassy independent character...
  5. John Funk

    The Big Picture: Boy's Own Adventure

    You don't have to be a "white knight" to think that there are inherent problems with depictions of gender in our media, and it is not only wrong-headed but deeply insulting that you're using that as an excuse to dismiss it without thought.
  6. John Funk

    The Great Debate

    ...she is fostering discussion by providing examples and an argument that can then spur discussion on any number of websites. She is starting a discussion with her videos and inviting others to continue it. Do you remember what happened the last time she enabled comments...
  7. John Funk

    The Great Debate

    No, she's... fostering a discussion. She's just not obligated to make that discussion happen on her front yard / invite the sort of DELIGHTFUL DISCOURSE and by that I mean rape threats and misogyny that YouTube invites. You have no leg to stand on. She is fostering a discussion. Criticizing...
  8. John Funk

    The Great Debate

    People angry about Anita Sarkeesian disabling comments because OH NOES IT STIFLES MY FREE SPEECH IF I CAN'T RESPOND TO IT OR DISAGREE are missing one huge point (whether deliberately or accidentally, I don't know): You can still respond to it. You can still disagree. You can make a YouTube...
  9. John Funk

    Brenda Romero Resigns IGDA Post Over GDC Party - UPDATED

    ...who would go to an industry party in an outfit like that? Yes, they were hired dancers. The IGDA would not have apologized if they were just ordinary party goers.
  10. John Funk

    Brenda Romero Resigns IGDA Post Over GDC Party - UPDATED

    Okay, people. The issue is not that the women were scantily clad, or that women dancing is inherently bad / offensive. That's stupid. The issue is that, at an industry event that should have been somewhat professional, there were women hired to dance as entertainment. For eye candy. Especially...
  11. John Funk

    Calling a Kid the "C" Word

    The difference between gendered insults directed at boys "dick" and gendered insults directed at girls "*****," the c-word... is one of social power and privilege. Yes, it's a bit of a double standard, but it's because we live in a world that establishes a double standard already. If I fight...
  12. John Funk

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    Unfortunately, I am no longer Escapist staff and have not been for, oh, about a year or so. :) That does, however, mean I am no longer bound by staff restrictions and perfectly able to call the vast majority of people posting in this thread out as the misogynistic chauvinist douchebag nimrods...
  13. John Funk

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    We need feminism because of people who make threads like this.
  14. John Funk

    The Big Picture: Worst Movies of 2012

    Seen it three times, thus far, loved it. But I loved the musical, too. Two of the ladies I went with were totally blind and they adored it too, so...! (also, while I fear Cosette is a forever one-note role, Eddie Redmayne lends a ton of heart and soul to Marius; he's easily the best I've...
  15. John Funk

    Most Preferred Champion in League of Legends

    Top: Irelia (dat mobility, dat snowball); Rumble (so much fun to bully out of lane, I love his ult); Olaf (TRUE DAMAGE cannot be stopped); Yorick (harass and sustain, have fun pushing me out of lane). Mid: Cass (so much fun, so much potential for damage); Ahri (I love her mobility); Orianna...