Recent content by John Mcgregor

  1. John Mcgregor

    Whats next for Bioshock?

    Bioshock has had my fun, bioshock 1 still is in my top 5 games to replay for fun. Bioshock 2 just wasnt as good as 1 even if it bioshock in the name. Bioshock infinite was a great game, the ending was nice and hard to follow. Bioshock has had its fun but it needs to retire now, its at its peak...
  2. John Mcgregor

    Your Favorite Quote?

    What doesn't kill you... Usually succeeds in the second attempt- eugene krabs(spongebob)
  3. John Mcgregor

    My first shiny!

    I played fire red on the gba back a few years ago before my gba broke and my friend stole the shiny. It was a shiny gastly and it was pretty cool, i evolved it to haunter and traded it to my friend to evolve it to a shiny gengar, once he got it he never returned it and i never saw it again :(
  4. John Mcgregor


    incest doesnt bother me i guess since its their choice.