Recent content by john_alexander

  1. J

    Poll: Questions about dating a Muslim

    Read the Qu'ran - you should probably do that anyway, but especially if you are dating a Muslim. If she is truly dedicated to her faith, there are some disturbing things you need to know. The Qu'ran demands that faithful Muslim's lie to non-Muslims in order to advance the goals of Islam being...
  2. J

    Poll: the word "chick"?

    I use 'gal' all the time, and 'chick' rarely, usually when trying to make a joke. Chick just seems to have more humour value.
  3. J

    What are the worst misconceptions you know of?

    In two ways; first, by being convinced meaning can be inherent (it's the way the human brain works; it tricks itself into believing meaning is inherent in order to facilitate communication). Second, by accepting interpreted meanings on a large scale; symbolism, for example. A Crucifix doesn't...
  4. J

    What are the worst misconceptions you know of?

    I have a double-minor in tech theatre and philosophy. I spent four university years getting said degree. Having a post-secondary degree, I can be put on the fast-track for officer school. Then I signed up as an enlisted man. Not even an officer, which would have been easy pickings for me...
  5. J

    Best Narrator, period

    Ron Howard for Arrested Development or: Orson Welles. So much Orson Welles. He narrated something like 37 movies, including History of the World, Part One, which is my favorite Mel Brooks movie.
  6. J

    Mysterious bird deaths

    The Flashforwards are coming.
  7. J

    Unintentionally Hilarious Movies

    Twilight. I went to get a good laugh. Was not disappointed. I laughed hysterically from open to close.
  8. J

    Poll: You must give up all but 1 system due to new law

    Baaaahahaha, yeah. PC just won the poll, despite not being on it.
  9. J

    Poll: You must give up all but 1 system due to new law

    Well, first I would riot. While normally I'm fairly easy-going when it comes to violence, and I'm not too afraid of government control getting out of hand, this would be insane and I would be all over that shit like... something that has shit all over it? Okay, that was a bad simile like a thing...
  10. J

    What ENTIRE ALBUM is currently gripping you?

    Snakes and Arrows. Though once Clockwork Angels comes out, it'll probably be that.
  11. J

    Why can't I love Dragon Age?

    The game is excellently written; the characters are all complex, the setting is deep... And also generic as fuck. Despite being well-written and well-plotted, both the setting and the characters within are stale and generic. Add this to the re-used Bioware trope characters (Alistair, Sten...
  12. J

    Weirdest game you've played, and what was it like?

    Drakengard. It was like Drakengard. That is all.
  13. J

    Geeks, are you athletes too?

    Athlete? No. But I am in the army. Does that count?
  14. J

    Why Heavy Rain is a good game and Final Fantasy 13 isn't - a compare (Mild spoilers)

    There's not much I can add except; yes. I totally agree. Not very useful, but yeah, I totally agree.
  15. J

    Support For Western Games

    Can I just say 'every character from Mass Effect 1/2'? Because, while they COULD be space-marines form a certain point-of-view, they are all well written, deep, emotional and (for the most part) devoid of terrible cliche. Seriously; Garrus, Wrex, Ashley and Kaiden are the 'macho'-est...