Recent content by Jorge Gonzalez

  1. J

    If you were to worship a fictional God who would you choose?

    I will believe in the elder gods because i can rip out spines with no repercussions.
  2. J

    What Has Your Country Ever Done For Us?!

    America has given the world Chuck Norris.
  3. J

    Favorite Anime Character

    mugen from samurai champloo , because i love seeing the anti hero kickass.
  4. J

    Characters you hate with an unbridled, illogical passion

    Sgt Johnson from Halo 3 for simply being useless. My friends and i actually got into the habit of yelling fucking Johnson whenever we did something retarded.
  5. J

    Worst Fan Base Out There

    Juggalos and their ideology of family revolving around mediocre music. It just astounds me how they get defensive to the point of threats if you do not like ICP , if you look up the song miracles by icp and then the defense videos on youtube you'll see what i mean.
  6. J

    Angriest a game has gotten you

    Ninja Gaiden 2 on mentor difficulty made me sell the game , and halo 3 because of the vidmaster annual achievement because someone always thought it was hilarious to throw a sticky grenade their ally.
  7. J

    Video Game Characters that it Would Suck to be

    Aliens in Space Invaders , worst invasion strategy ever.
  8. J

    Small things that annoy the crap out of you

    People that say whats up passing by and don't actually expect a response