Recent content by Kagatos

  1. K

    you have just slapped your avatar!

    Best case - I'd be allowed to stay inside the vault at half rations. Worst case - I'd be kicked out and have the door close behind me as the Holocaust begins.
  2. K

    PS2 Co-op Gaming for Father & Son

    That looks really good...I'll have to keep my eye open for it, thanks for the suggestion. As for everyone else giving just platformer advice, I just figured that there was no Co-op puzzle-platformers for the PS2. Some of the suggestions seem like really good mindless fun that the two of us...
  3. K

    PS2 Co-op Gaming for Father & Son

    Thank you all, you've given me a good amount of games to look into! Now I just have to find them... :) Cheers, -Kagatos
  4. K

    PS2 Co-op Gaming for Father & Son

    Thanks for the ideas, I haven't messed with the PS2 in the past 5 years now so I'll look into the Lego games...for some reason I thought that those were only single player. I wasn't sure about the sports games as all those seem to be verses instead of Co-op. Not that I mind crushing him in...
  5. K

    PS2 Co-op Gaming for Father & Son

    Heya all, Just what the title says, I'm looking for some Co-op games for the playstation 2 that me and my 10 year old son can play together. I'm not looking for fighting games or anything PvP as I have some of those already and I don't let him play them. I'm looking for some type of puzzle...
  6. K

    Poll: Arachnophobia/phillia

    My parents took me to see that movie(Arachnophobia) in the theater when I was 10. Needless to say I don't like spiders inside my home...but honestly I don't like anything insect related in my home. Anything from spiders, bugs, wasps/hornets, whatever I kill as soon as I see em when they're...
  7. K

    Turtle Beach headset

    I have no experience with the Turtle Beach sets but it all depends on what quality your looking for in a headset. If you want the best sound quality where if anything isn't played through the sound card at the highest setting it sounds like crap then you should go with some of the highend...
  8. K

    Your wake up anthem

    I had a much louder version of this for the longest time...and it almost never failed to get me up and outta bed. Now I have an Air Raid ringtone on my Cell that I use for an alarm.
  9. K

    Poll: best soda ever

    This, Though I'm really digging the Cherry Dr. Pepper... 1- Sunkist 2- Cherry Dr. Pepper / Regular Dr.Pepper 3- Cream Soda / Root Beer 4- Coke / Pepsi
  10. K

    Poll: 2nd Amendment bug you? Me too.

    I'm sure that other people have already said what I'm about to say as I didn't go through every post in here. But here goes anyway: Guns are tools, tools are not bad or good...the people that use those tools are the ones that need to be responsible for their own actions. Taking guns away...
  11. K

    Poll: Personality test - Which personality type do you belong to?

    INFJ Introverted/Intuitive/Feeling/Judging 89 12 25 11 Ehh, maybe I guess...
  12. K

    Favorite Quotes

    "Everybody has to believe in something....I believe I'll have another." My personal favorite from Terry Goodkind: "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason. The first law of reason is this: what exists, exists; what is, is; and from this irreducible bedrock principle, all...
  13. K

    Is it too late to get into TF2?

    As many have said before, It's never too late to join in on the fun. I just started about a month ago and I'm having a blast. The hardest part is finding a good community to join and that all depends on how you want to play the game. Lots of the servers have different mods that can add or...
  14. K

    Mass Effect 3 Trailer Confirms Earth is Screwed

    I watched this last night on the VGA's and all I have to say is: Damn, Now I gotta wait a whole year! Damn you Bioware.....DAMN YOOOOUUUUUUUU!
  15. K

    Games that Cheat

    I see someone already mentioned Empire Earth and its cheating AI. Always knowing what your doing, where all your troops are, same units that are 3-5 times tougher then yours and the ability to build 2-3 times faster. Another Cheating game would have to be the Blood Bowl games. The Dice...